
What’s it all about? has been online since late in 2001—before that there was another older will-not-be-mentioned-here site which has been lost in the fog and shadow of the early internet. This site originally started as a way to keep my close friends up-to-date with my wanderings in Europe as I went to school in London.

Admittedly confusion is filled with what Jeffery Zeldman [ ] would refer to as “dull personal commentary with a side order of self-importance” [ ] but perhaps one day my writing skills will improve and I might approach the depth of writing that Jonathon Delacour [ ] has, or the beauty of opinion that Richard Geib [ ] illuminated to the web before the ‘blogging phenomenon’ started.

In the meantime I will continue my dull personal commentary and occasionally update my photos and writing. All for my own benefit but then again this is my personal corner of cyberspace. I make no excuses for hideous grammar, asinine statements, blissfully ignorant worldviews or verbal diarrhea on this site. It is by me, for me and of me.