photography ranting

Inside me.

It’s whats on the inside… or not… that counts.

Had to take tests for the HIV and consumption to finalize my Singapore residence application. This is me, on the inside, sans consumption. :)

photography quotes

Beautiful Masks


“In masks outrageous and austere
The years go by in single file;
But none has merited my fear,
And none has quite escaped my smile”

Elinor Wylie

photography ranting



Been a bit depressed lately. Mostly work related, I’m fed up, not enjoying work anymore and I don’t know how to fix it. Work is 8 to 9 hours a day; a third of my week (not counting the weekend) and if it’s not fun for a long time that starts to affect my whole attitude.

I can’t work at a job I’m not emotionally involved with. I’ve worked with people who can come to work in the morning, work for 9 hours with no expenditure of emotion at all and go home as if nothing has happened. It’s amazing to me. I get angry, happy, upset, irritated, fascinated, worried and intrigued at work. That’s not to say that I don’t leave work at work (at least most of the time.) I try to keep a healthy separation between professional and personal life. I’m friends with people at work; some of them I am friends with outside work others not so much, but work is work and then there is everything else.

Problem is if work is only filled with the bad emotions; anger, disbelief, irritation and upset then it starts erode the emotional attachment to the job. And once the emotional attachment is gone it’s time to find a new job…


Interesting Uses for Elevators

“Loading up an empty elevator car with discarded Christmas trees, pressing the button for the top floor, then throwing in a match, so that by the time the car reaches the top it is ablaze with heat so intense that the alloy (called “babbitt”) connecting the cables to the car melts, and the car, a fireball now, plunges into the pit: this practice, apparently popular in New York City housing projects, is inadvisable.”

Nick Paumgarten, from “Up and then down; the lives of elevators” [] in the April 21 2008 issue of the New Yorker

Software Engineers vs. Programmers

I want to work with software engineers rather than programmers. I want to work with people who know what something like ABNF [] is or if they don’t at least they know where to find out and are willing to go and learn it. I want to work with engineers interested in solving the problem not implementing a solution for the symptoms. I’m tired of working with half-wit programmers who could not program their way out of a ‘hello world’ bash script…