I ran across these photos (here, here and here [boston.com]) via Boston.com’s The Big Picture [boston.com] article from June 11th. See the blue umbrellas and beach chairs in photo #12 [boston.com]? Yea? Well:

I used to spend every other summer vacation on that beach. My grandfather had a house on the lagoon at Gulf Shores… that is until Hurricane Ivan destroyed it in 2004 [confusion.cc].
I haven’t been back in some time. I guess it’s a good thing I got some photos of the clean Gulf water.

And the beautiful beaches at sunset.

It’s hard to appreciate the scope and devastation of the Deepwater Horizon oil catastrophe from halfway around the world. Though the news talks about it everyday, there is no 24-by-7 discussion of it. Even though Singapore had a smaller oil spill just a short time ago [nytimes.com]. Seeing pictures of birds and turtles covered in oil make me feel bad. But seeing photos of the beaches I played on as a kid covered in oil bring it home in a much more personal way.