There was a total solar eclipse [nasa.gov] today! A few hundred kilometers south of Singapore it was a total eclipse but we got 88% coverage at maximum here [timeanddate.com].
It’s amazing how little knowledge there was about this in Singapore. First mention I saw of it in local media was two days before. No one anywhere selling viewing glasses or sheets or anything; seem Singaporeans don’t fully understand capitalism, there is a total eclipse in December 2019 here so I need to pre-order a few thousand solar eclipse glasses!) I put too much effort into taking my photos – I rented a 500mm Canon lens and a doubler from Camera Rental Center [camerarental.biz] here in Singapore. Read up on how to take the photos on Mr. Eclipse [mreclipse.com] and ordered solar film and glasses from Thousand Oaks Optical [thousandoaksoptical.com] via Amazon [amazon.com].
The photos turned out great. You can see the full Partial Solar Eclipse, Singapore, March 2016 [flickr.com]. The only issue was my tripod was not up to the task of holding that mammoth lens so I could not take longer exposures – they got too blurry. C’est la vie, ISO 3200 FTW! Next chance in 2019.