
Don’t they breed well enough on their own?

In the city of Xichang, located in the southwestern Sichuan province, there is a massive, artificial intelligence-powered roach breeding farm that is producing more than six billion cockroaches per year.

AJ Dellinger, in This AI-Controlled Roach Breeding Site Is a Nightmare Factory [].

Read the article. Really, read it. This is the setup for a horror or armageddon movie plot. Six billion AI raised cockroaches escape and take over Southern China… Armageddon. Or Horror. Actually, horror-armageddon.


Must be a meme for that…

In the mid-`90s, public use of the internet boomed, and it’s been downhill ever since.

Sam Rutherford, in “Samsung’s Smartphone That Can’t Connect to the Internet Is Actually a Great Idea” on Gizmodo.

That computes. I once saw a post on the internet that summed it up nicely, can’t find it but more or less it said:

Remember before the internet, when we thought that lack of access to knowledge was the problem

Someone smart on the internet…

Xi internet never forgets

President’s Xi Jinping’s plan to construct a social credit system based on the principle of “once untrustworthy, always restricted”

Reuters, from China to bar people with bad ‘social credit’ from planes, trains [].

This is worse than the The Internet Never Forgets [].

quotes ranting

Penis Facial

It’s not really called a “penis facial”. On the company website, it goes by a far more palatable name: the Hollywood EGF facial. It involves a cleanse, an intensive TCA peel, micro-needling, an electrifying mask, and, finally, FDA-approved Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) serum.

“EGF is derived from the progenitor cells of the human fibroblast taken from Korean newborn baby foreskin – which helps to generate collagen and elastin,” Louise explains []. So the EGF used in the treatment comes from skin cells produced in a lab.

Rosie McCall, in “Penis Facials” Are Hollywood’s Favorite New Beauty Trend, Yes Really []

We are literally one step short of bathing in the blood of virgins… thank you Hollywood.


Beef and a Chief

“Whenever Trump wanted, he would command “Beef and a chief!” in his bathrobe, and his staff would have to get him a little bit of meat.”

Botnik AI rewrite of Fire and Fury []