The vices of mankind are active and able ministers of depopulation.
Thomas Malthus [] in An Essay on the Principle of Population
Category: quotes
Always loved a good quote
Scientific Method
“Science is not a body of facts … Science is a method for deciding whether what we choose to believe has a basis in the laws of nature or not.”
Marcia McNutt, quoted by Joel Achenback in Why Do Many Reasonable People Doubt Science? []
Also this, from the same article:
Scientific results are always provisional, susceptible to being overturned by some future experiment or observation. Scientists rarely proclaim an absolute truth or absolute certainty
Joel Achenbach, Why Do Many Reasonable People Doubt Science? []
The article is from 2015, but more relevant in the post-truth, alternative facts world.
Who Controls The Nukes?
Nuclear weapons are inherently dangerous. Handling them, using them, not using them, requires caution, care. Living as we do now with North Korea, Pakistani generals, jihadists, and who knows who’ll be the next U.S. president, the world is very, very lucky that at one critical moment, someone calm enough, careful enough, and cool enough was there to say no.
Robert Krulwich in You (and Almost Everyone You Know) Owe Your Life to this Man []
That’s as close as National Geography gets to calling Trump insane.
The fact is that cloud service providers (CSPs) at any kind of scale have more network engineers, security engineers, compliance experts, and operational personnel than most companies that run their own data centers.
John Purrier quoted in The Roles Cloud and DevOps Should play in Your Digital Transformation [] on The Enterprisers Project
This will be the single biggest driver in moving to the cloud in the future. Even large enterprises have proved how bad they are at security —looking at you Sony! The big cloud players will be the ones who can bring these services at the most capable, most professional and most cost effective level to all companies from startups to mega multinationals. Why should every company have its own IT Security team?
“Frotteurism” is your word of the day.
Among those questioned, 35 percent had a thing for voyeurism (watching someone engaging in intimate or sexual behaviour), 26 percent said they enjoyed fetishism (sexual stimulation from an inanimate object or nonsexual body part), another 26 percent said they liked frotteurism (unconsenting rubbing or groping), and 19 percent got a kick out of masochism (getting sexual gratification from pain or humiliation).
from Abnormal Sexual-Interests are Actually Completely Normal [] on I Fucking Love Science
Moral of this story – Canucks are deviants at heart. I wonder how this survey would pan out in, oh I don’t know, Japan?