
Whips And Chains… ‘Cause Science!

“[it] may be hard to believe, considering how nipple clamps don’t always seem that sane, but you can’t argue with science.”

Zeynep Yenisey in 3 Non-Vanilla Sex Acts That Are Actually Good for You, According to Science [] from Maxim
quotes ranting

Prostitution and the Right to Privacy

“Part of me feels that sexual relations between consenting adults, transactional or not, are nobody’s business but their own.”

Richard Branson in The Pros and Cons of Legalized Prostitution []

I agree. Legalize it. Regulate it. Tax it. and so forth so on. As long as people are adult and consenting and no one is being hurt the act itself should not be illegal. Of course this does not change anything related to the illegality of underage prostitution, sexual violence or slavery or human trafficking, as Branson goes on to say in the next sentence:

“At the same time, I am just as appalled as everybody else by the global extent of human trafficking and sexual slavery that continue to be a significant part of the sex trade”

Richard Branson in The Pros and Cons of Legalized Prostitution []

My stance is based on the right to privacy, as I said back in 2006 []:

I believe that congress should make no laws limiting what consenting adults can do in the privacy of their homes or what they can and cannot do with their bodies. I believe we may need to amend the constitution to enshrine this law


I think the right to privacy covers not only prostitution (in their own home or a hotel) but also homosexuality and most other things which are banned as “crimes against nature” under archaic laws. Even use of recreational drugs that don’t cause harm — meaning marijuana, we do need to carefully consider the costs to the state, general public and family for “hard” drugs as part of “no one is being hurt”.


Its A Roller Coaster.

Your body is not a temple, it’s an amusement park. Enjoy the ride. 

Anthony Bourdain, quoted in 23 Brilliant Life Lessons from Anthony Bourdain []

Laser-Shaped Telescopic Glitter Clouds

No. It’s not an episode of My Little Pony. It’s an actual thing. A NASA thing:

In the future, mirror-based space telescopes might be replaced by “glitter clouds” of particles sculpted by laser light, according to NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). This mind-boggling proposal is called Orbiting Rainbows…

Becky Ferreira, Rainbow Cloud of Space Glitter and Lasers Could Image Alien Worlds []

Je Suis Charlie

I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”

Evelyn Beatrice Hall] writing about Voltaire’s [] beliefs on freedom of expression