It’s like killing a unicorn with a bomb
lovely5555’s review of the Marvel Comics iPad app.
Category: quotes
Always loved a good quote
Why I don’t eat meat…
I don’t eat meat because I wouldn’t want to ingest an animal weak or dumb enough to enter a life of slavery under another species, that the only meat I would eat would be that of an animal which a human cannot actually kill.
Tim Rogers in Japan: It’s Not Funny Anymore []
Oh that’s a good one… I’ll have to use that. Better than the classic I’m not a vegetarian because I love animals, I’m a vegetarian because I hate plants
Technology is…
Technology is anything that was invented after you were born
Alan Kay, quoted from a TED Talk by Kevin Kelly
The Age of Choices
Beyond the age of information is the age of choice.
Charles Eames
I got this quote from this TED talk [] by Eames Demitrious. Apparently the quote is from 1978. That in and of itself says the speaker had extraordinary vision or luck.
Those of us who live in the Age of Information (assuming that this is it) are bombarded with massive amounts of passive information, and have a functionally infinite amount of informational easily available for our consumption if we actively seek it out. More information than any human can consume and use. There have been libraries and universities for along time, but the internet has removed the barreors to knowledge for far more people. What we struggle with is how to choose what information to focus on, and how to use that information.
Now for the choice: What information to consume? What information to believe?
Intentionally blank?
IBM must have had whole departments of people just to FACT CHECK the pages in their manuals which said, ‘This page intentionally left blank.’
Joel Spolsky, from a blog post []
…And I thought the telecoms business was bad…