
We are all atheists…

“We are all atheists about most of the gods that humanity has ever believed in. Some of us just go one god further.”

Richard Dawkins, more on [].

Over the edge

… Once you’ve gone over the edge and you realize what’s on the other side, it changes your perspective.

George Lucas, from “The George Lucas Saga” by Kerry O’Quinn, Starlog, August 1981. Quoted in “The Secret History of Star Wars”by Michael Kaminski
photography quotes

Beautiful Masks


“In masks outrageous and austere
The years go by in single file;
But none has merited my fear,
And none has quite escaped my smile”

Elinor Wylie


Interesting Uses for Elevators

“Loading up an empty elevator car with discarded Christmas trees, pressing the button for the top floor, then throwing in a match, so that by the time the car reaches the top it is ablaze with heat so intense that the alloy (called “babbitt”) connecting the cables to the car melts, and the car, a fireball now, plunges into the pit: this practice, apparently popular in New York City housing projects, is inadvisable.”

Nick Paumgarten, from “Up and then down; the lives of elevators” [] in the April 21 2008 issue of the New Yorker
quotes ranting

Learning to Swim

“At a public swimming pool we have gates, put up signs, have lifeguards and shallow ends, but we also teach children how to swim.”

From the Executive Summary of Safer Children in a Digital World; The Report of the Byron Review [] via Slashdot []

2021.08.01: Broken link to the report updated

That sounds like common sense. I think more parents need to read and understand that. It is not societies responsibility to teach your children it’s your responsibility as a parent. There will always be things beyond a parents control and society should take steps to minimize the risks to people—children and adults—but in the end it is down to individuals to be responsible. In the case of children it is the responsibility of the parents to teach and to shelter them, for the rest of the world is is down to personal responsibility. Most people seem to have forgotten this. Too many people in the first world expect that someone will take care of them; that they have a right to be an idiot, which they do, and that society has a duty to come along behind them and clean up their mess, which it does not. We seem to have forgotten that part of growing up is leaving the nursery and the nanny behind. Rather than focus on protecting children from the evils of the world we should help parents teach their children how to protect themselves. Every child should learn to swim just in case they fall in the deep end.