
Worth it

Once upon a time a wise person told me “if you are going to commit fraud, make sure it’s worth it.” I don’t remember the news story we were making fun of at the time but I’ve always remembered the rule. 

By worth it I mean a pay off in the tens of millions, relocate to a tropical island in a country with no extradition treaty. 

Over the years I’ve quoted the generalized the rule, “if you are going to do X it make sure it’s worth it”, many times.  Explaining that petty rule breaking is not with it – cheating on that parking meter/coupon is not worth the ticket, how many time do you have to not pay the 50 cents to make up for one ticket?  Cheating on your spouse — if it’s not with a famous actor/singer/model, what the hell are you doing?

Recently in Singapore there was a perfect example: a guy robbed a bank for $30,000! Seriously? This is Singapore they cane people. They hang people. WTF?!?


Spiders have kinkier sex lifes than your college roommate

Darwin’s bark [spiders](Caerostris darwini) … have a rich sexual repertoire that includes oral sexual contact. The males routinely salivate onto female genitalia before, during, and after copulation.

Janet Fang from Male Spiders Perform Oral Sex On Females []

Actually, spiders as a whole are the Marques de Sade (is there a female version I should use here?) of the animal world, as the opening sentence of the article makes clear:

The females of many spider species have evolved giant sizes, and they’re known for extreme sexual behaviors – ranging from mate binding and plugging to sexual cannibalism, genital mutilation, and emasculation.

Janet Fang from Male Spiders Perform Oral Sex On Females []

I nominate this for the best science sentence of the year. This is NC17 Discovery Channel shit.

Note the authors name for extra credit.


Not the big cheese

False advertising:

Small cheese; big box
ranting technical

Low Friction User Identification on Shared Devices

Long ago I worked on advertising when mobile advertising was not a solved problem and startups still had a play. Early on that work branched out to other possible advertising channels for CSPs. I spent much time studying and discussing the complications around advertising on “Shared Device”. The attraction of mobile advertising from the CSP point of view was the ability to know the consumer. Since there is a tight correlation between a user and a mobile phone, i.e. you don’t tend to share a mobile between two people, the profile a handset usage and other attributes is, or was and I assume still is, highly valuable as it enables better targeting of ads. The big discussions about shared devices came when started to extend the ad models to pay TV CSPs. Can an individual user be identified to better target ads and to avoid showing inappropriate ads to users? At the time the general answer was no. The primary reason being that outside the US TVs are a shared resource in most households (in the US the trend was more towards a one-to-one relationship due to the higher number of TVs per household). On a shared device a lowest common denominator needs to be taken when selecting ads. I’m massively oversimplifying here, and I assume the big brains at the successful advertising companies have a better solution here but let’s take an extreme example to illustrate the point.

Imagine a CSP build a profile for an end-customer based on their viewing habits via the CSP’s pay TV service. This particular profile shows that the end-customer consumes programing targeted at “kids and families” on a regular basis — cartoons — the consumer also consumes more adult, male oriented content — mixed martial arts — (not to be sexist here but teenage and twenty-something guys are the main audience right?). There is no good way on this information alone to know if the household includes kids and adults or just adults who like “kids cartoons” — see brony []. Assume for a second the TV is owned by a single male who does in fact enjoy watching “kids” cartoons. The advertisers for kids products are most likely wasting any advertising spend on this user.

Targeting and personalization is hard, and it harder on shared devices. It’s all about confidence and heuristics and blah blah blah… It’s much more complex than my example but anyway, I told you that story to tell you this one so stay with me.

I have an Apple TV and I recently downloaded the Vevo [] app. Vevo is an app version of MTV from the 80’s — it actually shows music videos. The cool feature that led me down the roundabout train of thought, is that you don’t need to log in on the Apple TV. Instead you just open the Vevo app on your mobile on the same network and presto! You’re in. It does not matter if the mobile is mine or my wife’s, just that the app is on the device and turned on (in focus). This means that, theoretically as I have not seen it in practice in my limited use, my wife’s profile can be different from mine and attached to her personal device and not the shared Apple TV. This could be a good way to link a shared device with an identified end-user. Bake this method of login into a CSPs set-top box and your can offer better personalization of content and a lower friction path to protecting user information.

For example, Netflix allows multiple user profiles, include kids specific profiles which block inappropriate content but users just have to select an icon to use the other profile so kids could select the parents account and watch all the zombie apocalypse they want. Now Netflix could, and maybe the do, add a PIN or password to secure the non-kids accounts but entering PINs and/or passwords via remote controls is limiting and downright annoying on the Apple TV remote with is lack of buttons. Linking the Netflix app on the parent’s mobile allows Netflix to rely on the user authentication mechanism on the device, such as PIN or Apple’s TouchID.

Anyway. It’s a half-formed idea and I see many things to confirm, clarify and comment on as I type this but it struck me as a cool feature I had not seen before that could have potential. And now it’s past my bedtime.


Kindle blue balls!

So… doing some Black Friday cyber shopping from here in APAC – today from Indonesia. I was on Amazon [] and…

Quick aside: I’m a complete Amazon fan-boy, maybe more than I am an Apple fan-boy. I sold my soul to Apple but Amazon has my heart. I’ve been using Amazon since 1997. When I need to check an old address — in Virginia, in DC, in England, in Singapore! I check my Amazon shipping addresses. Hardly a week goes buy that I don’t buy something from Amazon. Thank you Jeff!

… Picking up where we left off. I was Black Friday shopping on Amazon. Since I live in Singapore I have to buy things that say “ships to Singapore.” Since it’s Black Friday there are lots of sales, and the headline that caught my eye today was the Kindle device sales. I have a Kindle, generation 2 or 3 of the small one I think, but at Black Friday prices maybe it’s time to upgrade. Amiright? So, I checked out all the models and low and behold the basic model ships to Singapore!

Amazon Lies

So I immediately added it to my cart. Sweet antici………..pation []! I spent a few minutes more browsing around — can’t find a replacement 2.5mm male to 3.5mm male audio cable for my B&W P5s that “ships to Singapore”, damn it! — and checkout time. Sign in, select shipping address — Singapore! — and what the bloody hell, “problem with items in my shopping cart?”!?!

Export to where

Ahhhhh! Sold by Amazon Export LLC, but not exported to Singapore? Ahhhh! Blue balls! Blue. Balls.

After struggling for a while to find some sort of combinations of magical clicks to get it to work I resorted to chatting with a service rep. They were nice and after a few seconds were able to confirm that, indeed, Kindle devices cannot be exported to Singapore. I informed them that the site clearly stated the item was “eligible for shipping to Singapore” and needs to be checked. They said thanks for the feedback and they would escalate the issue to the relevant team. Nothing further to be done. No new Kindle for me. But to Amazon’s credit a a hours later I got an email from Amazon apologizing for the issue and confirming that it was indeed forwarded to the Kindle team to review and fix. You hear that Jeff? Fix it. Blue balls suck.