
Xenophobic Singapore

August 9th is Singapore National day. Combine that with the generally increasing level of xenophobia (xenophobia has gone from a joke to a serious national issue in the time I’ve been here) and a crazy law and you get this:

The reader said, “I was shocked this morning to see among all the flags celebrating our National Day, this British flag hanging out at a condo at 99 Jervois Road.”

He added, “Is the owner of the apartment trying to be funny? If this person is not Singaporean, he or she should show more respect (to Singapore).”

from British flag found displaying at Casa Jervois Condo []

The article then goes on to note that it is most likely illegal to display a flag this way; based on a law called the National Emblems (Control of Display) Act []. (interestingly my reading of the statue is that displaying any flag, foreign or Singaporean, would be illegal…).

But the most interesting part of all this are some of the comments on the article. The one that makes the most sense to me:

…If overseas Singaporeans decide to display the Singapore flag to celebrate National Day or to celebrate other national achievements and festivals, I doubt that the citizens of their host countries would complain about the display of the Singapore flag.

Big Yawn []

But Big Yawn is the exception, this seems to be more the consensus view:

…displaying their OWN country’s fla[g] is BLATANT disrespect to your host…

I am DAFT so WHAT ! []

This is an incomprehensible view to me; given that in America people can, and most certainly do display the flags of their nation of birth, even if they have become US Citizens. Many people even love to display the flags of their parents or grand-parents birth country that they may have never been to, everywhere and anywhere they can, from bumper stickers to cloths. The US is, like Singapore, a nation of immigrants and the US is currently in a deep xenophobic state over the more recent large-scale immigration from central and south america, but no one would arrest a legal immigrant for displaying the flag of his birth nation. We are a nation of Mexican-Americans, Irish-Americans, Polish-Americans, German-Americans, African-Americas and numerous others. You don’t have to forget where you came from to appreciate where you are.


iPhone iOS 6 UI Enhancement Request

In the spirit of my previous enhancement request [] (completely ignored I might add) I would like to make a request to Apple for a new UI enhancement to be released in the upcoming iPhone OS 6.0 update.

See, here’s the thing. I love folders on my iPhone (and iPad)… I like to keep my applications organized. But folders have a severe limit on the number of items I have in the folder. I have for instance six folders of games. I have tried to overcome this by sub-categorizing the games. But this is awkward. I would prefer to put more then 12 items in the folder, and I don’t think it would be that difficult. I think that the folder should be divided into pages like the iPhone home screen. And I should be able to put as many items as I want in the folder, it would then display them 12 at a time an I could scroll right or left to see other pages.

iPhone Folders Enchancement


My daughter’s current obsessions are “Draw Something”, “Cut the Rope” and “Monster Shooter the Lost Levels”. My daughter is about to turn 4, a true digital native. At least “Draw Something” kind of teaches the alphabet when my wife spells the word and my daughter taps on the letters.

quotes ranting

I live here. Disney Land with a Death Penalty, Revisited.

As Lin Yutang, the famous Chinese writer and inventor said: “What is patriotism but the love of the food one ate as a child?” That must be it.

Kenneth Jeyaretnam in Disneyland With the Death Penalty, Revisited []

That might be the most insightful thing about Singaporeans I’ve ever read… You could never find another place on Earth that has the variety of food in Singapore. Food is one of the things that make it hard to take a Singaporean out of Singapore.

Someone, commenting on this article in another forum said:

I think we have to stop saying shit about the place you live. If you don’t like it, move :)

Setting aside the fact that moving is often not an option, I think this person missed the point of the article, expressed near the end:

Later this evening I’m going out to eat in Little India’s Serangoon Road at the Banana Leaf Apolo Restaurant. There one dines deliciously off a banana leaf rather than a plate. It’s still one of my favorite places to eat. I used to go with my parents as a boy and my father used to take my son out there for breakfast. No doubt my son will take his son.

Despite the fact the the author’s father was sued into destitution by members of the ruling party for defamation, the author still calls Singapore home. And regardless; if one is going to complain about a place, it is in the end only where you do, or have lived, that you should be complaining about. I think it is altogether right to complain about is where you live… No place is perfect and you can always desire change in the things you do not agree with or you dislike about your home. It might be a product of leisure time but it is what it is. Desiring the better the place you live strikes me as a healthy form or navel gazing. We all want things to be better. Every time we get what we want we move the goal post. We always strive for a better place in the world. Singapore is a good place on balance but that does not mean people who live here should just accept things as they are forever, let do better in the future.


Look what I did! Again!

Scan 1

Same. Due. Date. (Plus 4 years) ‘Nuff said.