

This [] is cool. An open source project written by Vladimir Slepnev [] that is similar to Microsoft Photosynth []. The photo of Notre Dame linked above is from my Flickr [] photostream [].

2021.08.01: Photosynth is discontinued, so linking to the Wikipedia page for it. The original link was


Look what I did!


w00t! Geek in training!


Chili and Curry

I must have gotten up too early this morning. Or slept badly last night. I don’t know. Whatever I did it screwed up my coordination today.

This morning a piece of tofu grew legs, jumped out of my chopsticks and left an Orion’s belt of chili stains on my shirt. Then at lunch a pea flew out of my curry and left a yellow Hollywood gun wound on my shirt.

Maybe I need to go back to kindergarten and learn to feed myself. Or maybe I just need to go to bed early tonight.



I have entered mid-life at full stride! In the past year I have gotten married (OK, it was 56 weeks ago but close enough,) my wife and I purchased a house (which we will only move into in April due to renovations and such,) and my wife is pregnant. So by the middle of this year I will be fully entrenched in the thirtysomething crowd with a mortgage and a young child. Thankfully I don’t own a sports car (but I am open to expensive birthday presents so if you are interested in donating your expensive sports car let me know,) and I feel no need to case skirt or drink like a fish.

I am actually really looking forward to the thirtysomething role. I can’t wait to move into the new house. While I have lived in any number of dumps I now feel that I want to make sure any house I live it I enjoy coming home to. I tend to spend a lot of time at home so I want it to be comfortable and pleasant. Candice and I are spending a considerable amount of money to renovate the house before we move it so that it meets our idea of a home we want to live in—and to raise kids in.

I am excited beyond my ability to express it about becoming a father; I have always wanted kids. I think that my desire to have kids got me in trouble in the past—by making girls with young children more attractive. Those bad experiences have made me a lot more bitter about life then I once was but I did learn that I was actually good at dealing with a young child and being a father figure. I need to work on being less bitter over the next six months so I can be a good father for my own child.

Anyway; happy birthday to me!



It is done. I have finally uploaded all the Italy photos! Now… I have to sit down and write up a blog entry on the trip! I was planning on doing one entry per city but I don’t know if I am that ambitious now. Anyway… expect something on Candice and my honeymoon trip soon! (If you can’t help yourself you can take a sneak peak over at Flickr here [].)