
Ignorance is not a defence

“It was a small amount. Back home I would not even get prosecuted.”

DJ Grooverider, Radio 1 Presenter, quoted in Radio 1 DJ jailed on drug charge []

But your not back home. And ignorance if the law is not a defense. Even if I agree that Marijuana should be legal to posses and smoke, I still have to abide by the laws. I have to accept that if I am caught in violation of those laws I will be punished. This is especially important to remember when traveling as you are subject to the laws and punishment of the land. You don’t take your laws with you. As my passport says:

6. Familiarize yourself with local laws and customs of the countries to which you are traveling. While in a foreign country, you are subject to it’s laws.

Yea; while in a foreign country, you are subject to it’s laws. I think most Americans should remember the case of Michael Fay [] the American teenager who got caned in Singapore for theft and vandalism. I think Singapore made a mistake in reducing Fay’s sentence from 6 strokes to 4 when Clinton requested clemency, it sets a bad precedent. While citizens may protest the actions of other countries, governments need to uphold a higher principle. Governments can make statements and in some cases are right in seeking diplomatic action to prevent or to stop actions being taken by another government but the situation needs to pass a basic level to warrant the attention of an entire government. The caning of a single teenager who willfully broke the law and was sentenced under due course of the law should in no way be an issue for an entire government.

The case of DJ Grooverider falls below the threshold for government action in my opinion. The crime committed was illegal in both countries and while the British penal system may have regarded the crime as a minor offense not worth of jail time the crime was not committed in Brittan.

I don’t have any pity for DJ Grooverider. You do the crime, you do the time. Even if both the crime and time are dependent on where you are.



This [] is cool. An open source project written by Vladimir Slepnev [] that is similar to Microsoft Photosynth []. The photo of Notre Dame linked above is from my Flickr [] photostream [].

2021.08.01: Photosynth is discontinued, so linking to the Wikipedia page for it. The original link was


Look what I did!


w00t! Geek in training!


Chili and Curry

I must have gotten up too early this morning. Or slept badly last night. I don’t know. Whatever I did it screwed up my coordination today.

This morning a piece of tofu grew legs, jumped out of my chopsticks and left an Orion’s belt of chili stains on my shirt. Then at lunch a pea flew out of my curry and left a yellow Hollywood gun wound on my shirt.

Maybe I need to go back to kindergarten and learn to feed myself. Or maybe I just need to go to bed early tonight.



I have entered mid-life at full stride! In the past year I have gotten married (OK, it was 56 weeks ago but close enough,) my wife and I purchased a house (which we will only move into in April due to renovations and such,) and my wife is pregnant. So by the middle of this year I will be fully entrenched in the thirtysomething crowd with a mortgage and a young child. Thankfully I don’t own a sports car (but I am open to expensive birthday presents so if you are interested in donating your expensive sports car let me know,) and I feel no need to case skirt or drink like a fish.

I am actually really looking forward to the thirtysomething role. I can’t wait to move into the new house. While I have lived in any number of dumps I now feel that I want to make sure any house I live it I enjoy coming home to. I tend to spend a lot of time at home so I want it to be comfortable and pleasant. Candice and I are spending a considerable amount of money to renovate the house before we move it so that it meets our idea of a home we want to live in—and to raise kids in.

I am excited beyond my ability to express it about becoming a father; I have always wanted kids. I think that my desire to have kids got me in trouble in the past—by making girls with young children more attractive. Those bad experiences have made me a lot more bitter about life then I once was but I did learn that I was actually good at dealing with a young child and being a father figure. I need to work on being less bitter over the next six months so I can be a good father for my own child.

Anyway; happy birthday to me!