
The symbols of power


More Fragments From Hell

I don’t know who wrote these but I found them on the old chat rooms. I like them. (Note: I ran a spell check on them and fixes some typos.)

First Fragment

: should he sacrifice for the progress of technology and knowledge and science, or should he escape from the system and live in peace and solitude
: he didn’t really believe it
: just repeating cliches of reassurance
: he told his self
: don’t let these insecurities slow you down
: never any answers
: always more questions
: is she the one?
: is it wrong to enjoy life when there is so much suffering in the world
: is it happening now somewhere else?
: has all this happened before?
: do the ends justify the means?
: what is the ultimate goal of humanity?
: what is the nature of the self?
: when death comes, will i remember life?
: who was i before i was born?
: is there such a thing as free will?
: he asked the big questions
: what was he sent here to do?
: it rang through his thoughts instinctively
: seek first the kingdom seek first the kingdom
: always in the depths of his mind lurked the remnants of his religious leanings
: he knew he did

Second fragment

: was she just another habit
: a habit he lived for
: the dangers of love
: when your reason for living can leave
: what did he really want in life?
: why was he here if not for her?
: its not like she was the first girl to be his life
: he had to better his self
: he knew he did
: always in the depths of his mind lurked the remnants of his religious learning
: seek first the kingdom seek first the kingdom
: it rang through his thoughts instinctively
: what was he sent here to do?
: he asked the big questions
: is there such a ting as free will?
: who was i before i was born?
: when death comes, will i remember life?
: what is the nature of the self?
: what is the ultimate goal of humanity?
: do the ends justify the means?
: has all this happened before?
: is it happening now somewhere else?
: is it wrong to enjoy life when there is so much suffering in the world
: is she the one?
: always more questions

photography travel

State of the Vatican City, November 2007


Dead smack in the middle of the eternal city is holy mother church. This is a place one must visit when in Italy. remember: ‘nothing new will be learned of the ancient [western] world, until the archives of the Vatican are plundered.’ Actually that’s not quite how the quote went [] and there seems to be some debate on the subject.


You can see the whole Vatican City State, November 2007 photoset on Flickr [].


We are all atheists…

“We are all atheists about most of the gods that humanity has ever believed in. Some of us just go one god further.”

Richard Dawkins, more on [].

Over the edge

… Once you’ve gone over the edge and you realize what’s on the other side, it changes your perspective.

George Lucas, from “The George Lucas Saga” by Kerry O’Quinn, Starlog, August 1981. Quoted in “The Secret History of Star Wars”by Michael Kaminski