photography travel

Athens, Greece, March 2010


Candice an I went to Athens for a weekend in March. Why a weekend in Greece? Job interview. But the job is in Boston — don’t ask why the interview was in Greece it’s complicated. I did get the job, I’m in a hotel in Boston as I write this.

When we arrived in Greece the taxis were all on strike, luckily the train from the airport was still running so we could get to our hotel. But given that the city has gone from strikes and protests to riots and firebombs in the bast two days I guess it could have been much worse.


Flying in on Thursday night and out on Sunday afternoon makes for a short trip and throw in an afternoon for a job interview and we didn’t see too much. But our hotel was within walking distance of Monistiraki, the heart of the tourists sites and the Acropolis. Which was good because the Acropolis was the only “must see” on my list.

I’ve been to Athens before [], a bunch of the people I knew in London were from Athens and I spent a week there in the winter of 2001 []. I have a lot of film photos from then. I’ll have to dig them out and take a look but in my memory they are actually better then the shots I have from this trip. For some reason the sun was just harsh and the scaffolding was everywhere!

Anyway, we visited the various sites on and around the Acropolis — the Parthenon [], the Erechtheum []. The ruins of the Agora [] or Market from the ancient Greek and Roman eras. Which includes the best preserved ancient Greek temple in the world; the Hephaisteion [] aka the Temple of Hephaestus. We even went to see the Acropolis Museum [] which was lacking given that the best of the Parthenon marbles are, um, in London. (Oh yea, it’s like picking at someone’s open wound.)


Really that’s about all the sights we saw. The rest of the time we enjoyed the local food and wondered around the tourist shopping areas of Monistiraki and Syntagma. That’s all the time we had. One day I’d like to see more of Greece than just Athens; the islands and the other big ancient cities of Delphi, Sparta and Olympia. One day. It’s all on the list.

You can see the whole Athens, Greece, March 2010 photoset on Flickr [].


Ritual interrupted

I’m off to Boston in a few hours. Not looking forward to 22+ hours in a plane plus stopovers and travel to and from the airports… Not fun. Cattle class. Not fun.

I am excited to be starting a new job. Looking forward to the people and the challenges. Time to stretch the brain and do something new and exciting.

But… As I put my daughter to bed tonight it really hit me that I won’t see her for 3 weeks. I think it will be hard on us both, and on my wife. I have cultivated a singularly bad habit in my girl: She falls asleep in daddy’s lap every night. I will miss this. It’s one of the best things in life. Even when I struggle with her, trying to get her to sit still and settle down so she can go to sleep. Even then it’s the highlight of the day. The interactions as she settles down — smiles, laughs, when she points something out to me. The warmth and love when she does finally curl up and drift off to sleep. How beautiful she is when she falls asleep. Even how cute she is when she snores.

It’s going to be a long three weeks. I think I will miss this bedtime ritual more than I’ve missed anything else in my life on the many times I’ve flown off. It’s different from the feeling of missing your significant other. I don’t know how to describe it, it’s just different, a different part of you that aches.


A bug in my iPhone

I found a bug in my iPhone. Doesn’t bother me but drives my 20 month old daughter crazy…

I’ve seen this a couple of times, it seems to duplicate the ‘cover’ image for one video onto other videos. I haven’t seen a pattern in it yet. Doesn’t seem to matter if the video with the incorrect cover image has a cover image associated with it or not. Sometimes the cover images from TV shows or Podcasts are in the wrong place too. Most annoying for my daughter when she wants to watch WALL·E but clicks on The Last Lecture. She gets a bit upset after the third or fourth try.


What you say…

If we don’t believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don’t believe in it at all.

Noam Chomsky


I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.

Evelyn Beatrice Hall

Zoom Zoom


Photo of an Alenia Aermacchi M-346 Master [] taken from the Changi Ferry Terminal during the Singapore Airshow 2010. Not much of an airshow really, only a few flight demos, and no aerobatics at all. Unless you call standing an Apache on it’s nose for a few seconds aerobatics. N** took a lot more [], ’cause he actually paid to go into the exhibit.

There are a few more photos in the 2010 Singapore Airshow, Singapore, February 2010 photoset on Flickr [].