
leave it not unsaid

I just came home and opened my email and I got a very sad message from a friend. It is some one I do not even know that well but he message is… well, I’ll let it speak for itself:

Dear friends…..I am sorry that I haven’t been keeping in touch. Something very horrible has just happen and it has made me see how short and precious life is. I wanted to share it with you in the hopes that it will be a lesson for everyone.

A good friend of mine was riding his moped to school. It was 8:50 in the morning last Thursday. He was struck by a drunk driver directly in front of the school where at least 50 of his friends and classmates were standing. He wasn’t wearing a helmet and he was brain dead immeadiately. He became part of the 1% of people who are able to be organ donors and saved five lives.

However at the young age of 21 he was engaged to be married to another of my classmates who will never live the same again. He was also going to be graduating in 11 days. I have spent the last week crying and wondering why. I went to jacksonville … and said good bye to one of the sweetest and most genuine people to ever walk this earth. So I implore you to turn to the people you love and tell them how much they mean to you. I implore you to live each day as if it was your last. And finnally I implore DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE! Because every time that you do you are endangering the lives of wonderful people like that of G— K—, and possibly destroying the lives of their families and friends.

With that know that someone loves you…..I love you….Love,E