

I got back from three weeks in the US last week. Saw my family, including people I have not seen since I was, like, eleven. And two of my sisters for the first time in most of a decade.

Each time I visit the US, I have less desire to go back to the US. It was low to begin with. Since the first time I got out of the US as a tourist I loved being out for the US. When I moved out for the first time I tried everything I could not to go back. Later I jumped at the first chance I got to leave again. Which landed me in Singapore. I’ve wanted to move on from Singapore but never had a serious chance, except for once during the financial crisis, but that was back to the US (needing a job trumped not going back at the time) and it fell through in any case.

Here’s the thing: the US is so fucked up on so many levels. I still believe it has the capability to fix itself but for fuck sakes no one is trying. They are all damn interested in fucking those that disagree with their worldview in every hole as violently as they can.

It’s the same thing that always happens. Everyone wants to save the world… they just disagree on how.

Maximus, Fallout Seasons 1, episode 5

And how. The system has the capability to fix itself but the American people seem too far gone.

There is so much wrong on so many levels.

Infrastructure is falling apart. Has been for years, remember the bridge collapse in Minnesota a few years ago? Almost every bridge on the interstate is older than I am. Most cities in the US can’t fix seasonal potholes much less large infrastructure. This is what taxes are for, for the common fucking good. Admittedly, there seems to be some improvement there, maybe it the infrastructure investment from the Biden Administration’s infrastructure push (seen here in H. R. 3684 – Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act []). Or maybe it’s older Trump-era or even Obama-era money.

Healthcare is fucked. It’s old news that most, if not all of the other OECD countries have better health care systems than the US. …Life expectancy, infant mortality, incidents of heart disease, incidents of obesity/diabetes, etc. We need to fix that shit, I’m not saying we need a single payer system like the UK’s NHS —they got problems too— but the absolute fuck up America has of corporate interests —looking at you private equity— and private healthcare is fucked, fucked, fucked. But shit man “freedom”… Fucking morons don’t know that freedom is not “everyone gets to do what they want” that’s libertarianism or anarchy. Freedom from disease, freedom from want, freedom from simple, easily fixable health problems is also “freedom”. Yet another Christos-faschist corruption of their so-called religion. American Christians would lynch Jesus these days for his liberal-left views. And for fuck sakes it helps the economy if people can work and live. But no, we need to make sure the billionaires and big business can get more money every year. Or they won’t create jobs. If we leave them alone their will invest and it will trickle down. We don’t need a fucking trickle (it never worked anyway []) we need fucking torrent. American’s are fucking morons.

Jesus fucking Christ everything has been supersized to stupidity levels. Everything is double the size it was 20 years ago in the US —the cars, the food servings, the amount of chemicals in the food. Fucking hell.

Government corruption seems to having a moment, be it Clarence Thomas obvious bullshit that republicans are tying themselves in knots over playing ostrich to ignore or Nancy Pelosi’s stocks. Time for some fucking term limits on all elected and appointed officials in the government.

Too many, most, American’s seem to have drank the patriotic Kool-Aid. Too many American’s have never spent any time in any other system. It’s sad, and I think more than a little bit responsible for so many issues, that most Americans will never have a passport. They will never have the opportunity to visit and to experience any other system to compare with the American system. Most people who do have a passport probably got it for a week of spring break or a post-retirement trip or maybe a honeymoon. I expect the majority of Americans who have spent any significant amount of time outside of the borders of the US were there to kill people.

I actually wanted to come to some point here and not just rant like a lunatic, but fuck it. I don’t even know where to begin. I’d say vote, but I’m not sure that will have any real effect on things. Politics is the most fucked thing in the whole country. Reminds me of something I heard long ago; “everyone should have the right to vote, most people shouldn’t”. Shouldn’t vote that is. Most people are too brain washed or disconnected from anything to understand the issues and evaluate potential solutions. The parties are pandering to their fucking lunatic fringe-culture-warriors for so long that I think they have forgotten how to actually even pretend to govern. The election is a fucking sound bite popularity contest. The point of a representative democracy was that there are too many complex issues for everyone to understand and so we rely on people who can focus on the issue to represent our best interests, but not we elect a bunch of fuck-tard ideologues based on the verbal diorreha that comes out of their mouth while rich people and companies pump their asses full of cash —fuck Citizens United []— and vacations to buy the votes they want not the votes we —the people— need.