
Two Decades in the Little Red Dot

Two decades ago this week I arrived in Singapore. At the time I left DC I was unsure of the long term plan, I only had a a fuzzy idea; ‘maybe I’ll stay in Singapore, maybe I won’t.’ you can see that in my last post [] from the US before I left:

I have a return ticket but I don’t know if I will be coming back next month or next year or ever.

Turns out I traveled back and forth a quite a bit for a while, racking up the frequent flyer miles on the longest flight in the world —SIN to NYC— but by March of 2005 I had an employment pass and planned to stay. Originally I only wanted to stay a few years, I wanted to go and live in different places every few years, to experience a new, alien, culture as a local constantly. But, life had other plans [].

C’est la vie. Singapore is a great place to live and to raise a family. I complain a lot about the things I don’t like, but I would not love here if it was not a great place. We can always want our home to be better.

Interestingly, while drafting this entry I was planning to post it on the fourth —I’ve always said I arrived on the fourth of September— but I looked at the date of my final post from the US and things didn’t make sense… so I dug out my old passport and flipped through it to find my entry stamp for Singapore. And it was on September first… so, I’ve been three days off every year when I fill out my tax forms for the US that ask when I arrived in Singapore. Oh well, I don’t think three days matters there, but it did mean I had already missed the actual anniversary before I wrote this… so I slacked off and didn’t finish this until the end of the week… hence ‘two decades ago this week’ rather than ‘two decades ago today’.
