quotes ranting

Sandman should be on HBO.



Logline: Neil Gaiman’s classic graphic novel about Dream and his siblings, finally appears to be coming to the big screen.

Status: Joseph Gordon-Levitt, who probably has the juice to make things happen right now, is producing with the possibility of starring and directing. Jack Thorne (How I Live Now) is writing the screenplay, based on a pitch by David S. Goyer.

From Upcoming Genre Movies That Aren’t Sequels, Remakes or Reboots [] on io9

Not as a movie! Sandman should be an HBO series. All 76 issues done, basically as is. Spend the money on special effects and whatnot! Not a two hour movie; a movie can’t do Sandman justice. I think only HBO can do Sandman justice.

quotes ranting

Ways not to use text messaging

“[A]fter the airline sent a text message to relatives saying it “deeply regrets that we have to assume beyond any reasonable doubt that MH370 has been lost and that none of those onboard survived.”

From ‘All lives are lost’ []
By Michael Pearson and Jethro Mullen on

What the fuck? A text message? An SMS? Wouldn’t want to be the person who decide that was the best way to inform people their friends and family on MH370 are dead. Worse than firing people by SMS.


Liberal Modernity and Secularism

[M]odernity (especially liberal modernity) makes things difficult (perhaps uniquely difficult) for people of faith. It fosters a pluralism that denies any one religion the power to organize the whole of social life. It teaches that public authorities must submit to the consent of those over whom they aspire to rule, thereby undermining the legitimacy of all forms of absolutism. It employs the systematic skepticism of the scientific method to settle important questions of public policy. It encourages the growth of the capitalist marketplace, which unleashes human appetites and gives individuals the freedom to choose among an ever-expanding range of ways to satisfy them.

Damon Linker, in Is secularism inevitable? [] from The Week

Making decisions based on trees and flowers

Of course there are several major differences between human and bee consensus, not the least of which is that we are not part of a hive mind, despite how much the internet often feels like one. Also, we don’t usually make decisions based on trees and flowers, though maybe we should.

Annalee Newitz, in This video of a honeybee swarm reveals why humans can’t form consensus []

You are the product

“Advertising isn’t just the disruption of aesthetics, the insults to your intelligence and the interruption of your train of thought… when advertising is involved you the user are the product.”

Jan Koum co-founder of Whatsapp, quoted in What’s Up With Whatsapp? Facebook Might Want To Buy It, That’s What [] on TechCrunch

Couldn’t agree more. (P.S. Koum’s emphasis)