
Om-nom-nom-icron is eating the world

Looking at COVID data is depressing. Even if people are much less likely to die from the Omicron variant, the numbers are so massive, even a small percentage of bad infections is causing problems in hospitals and death tolls are rising. The UK has canceled all pre-and post-travel testing regimes. “COVID is here to stay, and if you are vaccinated there is nothing else to do,” seems to be the sentiment. And at this point with the Omicron variant burning through vaccinated and unvaccinated alike that sounds about right. Seems everyone will get it, and we will have herd immunity to this variant… until it comes back next year, mutated again, becoming another strain of “the common cold”. Hopefully we can travel again soon. Singapore is as good a place to be during a pandemic as anywhere but you can’t go more than 40 kilometers, at most, without needing a passport. I’m not the type of person who can go their whole life and never venture more than an handful of kilometers from their home… I live about as far from my birthplace as I can and my passports tend to fill up faster than they expire. I can’t wait to travel again. First world problems…

Anyway, lets have some fun. If you can’t make fun of it then it has already won…

Original chart from the New York Times
Original chart from the New York Times

Fish Fetish: Eat Your Pets

This morning on the way to have a coffee with my daughter we stopped on a bridge that goes over a drainage canal to see if we could see any wildlife. We do it often. Sometimes we see birds; a kingfisher a few times, some times of heron or similar; I saw a horseshoe crab once; there is a big monitor lizard we have seen a few times; and my daughter once saw an otter on her way back from the MRT (AKA subway or metro) in the rain. But mostly we see fish. Aquarium escapees. Some type of America cichlids []. You see them in all the drainage canals in Singapore, people dumping their fish when they get too big for the tank, I guess.

American cichlids are, or were and I suspect still are, a popular fish in the hobby trade, especially among college students, mostly male. They like them because they are hard to kill and, more importantly, they are aggressive. Many people feeding them live goldfish regularly. Many aquarium shops have “feeder goldfish” you can buy for cheep, like 10 for a dollar or something. Feeders are feed to picky fish that won’t eat dead food, like Volitans lion fish []. But the college boys would sit around stoned in their dorms or apartments and feed goldfish to their aggressive cichlids just for fun. The most common cichlid for the college crowd were Oscar [] and Jack Dempsey []. And these fish get big for a tank; Oscars can get close to a foot and a half (45cm) if your tank is big enough. Jack Dempsey’s are a little smaller, about a foot (30cm). As I remember Jack Dempsey’s were more popular due to their association with the boxer of the same name [].

On afternoon a regular, G███, came in, walked up to the counter and said, “I need a new Oscar. Small one, maybe two or three inches.”

Usually G███ came in to buy feeder fish, every week, like clockwork, to feed to his big Oscar. G███ was in his mid-50s, tanned and always with a smile, wearing Bermuda shorts and a Hawaiian shirts. He used to talk about living in South or Central America when he was younger, his dad worked somewhere there so he spent a lot of time as a teenager and even 20-something around Latin America. He knew a lot about cichlids, he’d always keep them as pets when he was a kid, catching them right out of the streams and rivers. Since returning to the US he always had a few aquariums full of them.

Before Fish Fetish opened G███ had been buying feeders from one of the local general pet store. He had no use for birds and reptiles or small mammals, so he started frequenting Fish Fetish so after we opened since we had a more and more diverse fish, including a section dedicated to American cichlid.

I was working that day, J███ was off and J████ would be in for the evening shift, “New Tank or did something happen,” I asked.

“Nah… he just got too big for the tank.”

“Oh. Tank-buster did you sell him?”

“Nope. I ate him.”

He said it so flatly, with no hesitation, it took a second to sink in. “What?”

“Fried him up with some tomato’s and lime. Had him over rice.” Like talking about fish from the supermarket not a pet he raised for several years.


“They eat them all the time down south. Fried or grilled. Every time mine gets too big I eat them and get a new one.”

“Eating your pet is weird man.”

“Don’t think of them as pets. I think of them more like chicken or cows. Just livestock.” He paused, “Like plants, some people grow roses and whatnot to look at, others grow tomato’s to eat. You can do both. I do it with the same fish. Reminds me of growing up down south.”

“It’s still weird man.” And then switching gears, “We have a 5 inch Oscar in the plant tanks, if you want”

“Nah, lets see the small guys. They grow fast.”

We started to walk towards the back of the freshwater fish section, where most of the cichlids live. As we walked G███ continued to explain, “a lot of the fish you sell here, from Central and South America, are food down there.”

We stopped in front of the cichlid tanks, 12 20-gallon tanks near the back of the freshwater aisle dedicated to American cichlids, and 4 more on separate plumbing for the high PH loving African cichlids. At the time we had, maybe, 5 Oscars, all under 2 inches and all in different tanks. Cichlids are territorial and will attack each other. The more closely related the species the more aggressive they are to each other.

If another fish is too big to eat and too small to eat them, a cichlid will mostly ignore it in the same tank, unless it looks like the cichlid, same species or close enough to have a similar body shape, even totally unrelated fish that are less aggressive, the cichlid will bully them constantly. Chasing and biting at fins, it will stress the smaller or less aggressive fish out and often kills them if they are not separated.

This behaviour is not unique to cichlids, most fish are this way… Even schooling fish, like tetras and barbs can be this way. People will buy a few to make a small school in their tank, says five Cherry Barbs. After a while only one will be left and they come back and buy a few more, but the original Barb is much bigger now and it will nip and chase the new fish until they die. Kill or be killed, nature is violent. Cichlids are just more aggressive than most, they are ass holes, it’s why the college guys like them.

So, you have to separate the aggressive fish. One Oscar per tank, not shared with a Jack Dempsey’s or other similar body shape. This means we never had more than about 12 aggressive cichlids at at time. Putting them in the other fresh water tanks with tetras, barbs, guppies and what not is a no-no, they will randomly go homicidal and kill off whole schools of fish one day. Sometimes we had big cichlids, typically donated by someone when it outgrew their tank, which is why I asked G███, and we would put them in the big 60 gallon plant tanks up front or, if they were really big, in the 125 gallon tank that housed the bigger freshwater things – big catfish, freshwater rays, and so on. Really big Oscars were a menace, they would even nip at your hand when you were cleaning the tank or catching some other fish. At some point they decided that anything that moved was food.

After G███ picked an Oscar out and I scooped it up and bagged it we walked back to the front desk. On the way he pointed out the neon tetra. Neons where always in the first tank, they are the classic fish and always sell a fast so we would have 40-50 in one of the first few tanks at eye level.

G███ pointed at the tank and said, “they eat those ones like popcorn or peanuts. They fry them in pan with spices. They pop when their brains or stomach or something explode because of the steam. Spicy crunchy snack.”

“Really? You tried them.”

“Yea, a few times, street food. Everything is better fried.” He continued, “if you go to a market in rural South America, the Amazon part, you will find a lot of the fish you sell here. The catfish, discus, lot of the cichlids. If it’s not poisonous and doesn’t taste like shit, you eat what you can catch.”

“Makes sense. That’s five dollars.”

“Can I get a dollars worth of feeders too?”

Featured image includes images from: Howard Jelks, U.S. Geological Survey, in the public domain from USGS [] and Free Food Photos [].


That’s not how religion works

[W]e have religions centered around this thing, and we have no idea how it works

Brian Hare, quoted in Detailed Footage Finally Reveals What Triggers Lightning [], published by Quanta Magazine.

Isn’t that what religion is for? Who are these lightening worshippers? And will an detailed, scientific explanation put an end to their lightning religion? Even if we were not in the midst of a neo-dark age filled with people who mistrust science, but I doubt it. That’s not how religion works.

Featured image uses screen grab from Star Wars: The Force Awakens, © Lucasfilm Ltd., and this image [] from msim1238, CC BY 2.0


COVID19, empathy and the ugly side of American freedom

Did you know that America is one of the most empathetic countries in the world? In the top ten according to this survey from the University of Michigan []. Though the authors of the study do note that the psychological states of Americans have been changing in recent decades – leading to a larger focus on the individual and less on others. So, they hint that America’s rank may drop in the coming years.

This study was released in October 2016. Literally a few weeks before Trump won the election…

I expect that if they re-ran that survey today, after four years of Trump and the continued fracturing of American society, that America would place a lot lower than seventh. I think that personal freedom has trumped empathy for a large portion of Americans. A portion that has so little empathy that they can’t wear a mask, to help everyone —to help society as a whole, the same society they want to make great again— because someone has tried to mandate that help, to protect health care system, to protect the more vulnerable, to try and ensure less people die of COVID19 and other illnesses during the pandemic. They can’t do this to help others because someone made a rule that “infringes on their personal freedom”. Maybe if they weren’t forced to wear a mask they would out of there sense of empathy for others who might get sick? I doubt it.

These people clearly value their personal freedom more than the lives of others. Their version of America washes its hands of any duty or responsibility to helping Americans. It’s freedom, or liberty, as a religion, a blind faith. 800,000 people have now died from COVID19 in the US, but “fuck them, my freedom is more important” is what anti-maskers stand for. “My right to not wear a mask is more important than others right to life”. Another front in their religious war to preserve their precious personal freedoms, to go along with “my right to own a gun, any gun, is more important than others right to life” so we can’t have any common sense discussion on how to address gun related violence and deaths, “fuck the kids of Sandy Hook, fuck the kids of Columbine, my right to an AR-15 is absolute”. “My rights, my rights, my rights…” But never “my duty” or “my responsibility”, or “our duty” and “our responsibility” (one caveat: the more conservative, e.g. Republican, someone is, the more likely they are to be anti-mask, but also Republicans are more likely to have served in the military, which is a often seen as a duty to the country, even when service is voluntary as it is in America.)

Even it everyone wore a mask all the time, people would have died, but it seems reasonable to think a lot fewer than 800,000 would have died. According to this BBC article [] from last year, Singapore had 90% adherence to wearing masks (and that seems low to me being here…), still deaths do occur and have climbed steeply in the past 6 months due to the Delta wave. Even if everyone wore a mask always, some would die. But surely if you have any empathy you would gladly suffer a bit of personal inconvenience —wearing a mask— to protect others (as well as yourself) from illness, regardless of if the government mandated it or not? Even if it only saved 10% of 800,000 people, that is 80,000 people who would still by alive thanks to your choice to be a bit inconvenienced by wearing a mask?

The same BBC article says that 73% of Americans self-report wearing a mask, that seems high given all the noise about anti-maskers in the news, 1 out of 4 is a minority but a large minority. Maybe just a very vocal minority. How much is this 27% of people who say they are not or will not wear a mask affecting the spread of COVID19 in America? Are most people in hospital today anti-maskers? or family of anti-masker?

As with seemingly everything in America, masks are a political issue. The MAGA wing of the republican party seems to be vocal core of anti-maskers, just as they are the vocal core of the anti-gun control and anti-abortion. They are also mostly evangelical Christians and it seems that many have forgotten to “render unto Caesar“[] and to love their neighbor as themselves [].

It is the ugliest side of America’s obsession with personal freedom that people won’t put on a mask to help American get through the pandemic with as few deaths as possible and a quickly as possible.

Cover image based on “The Ugly American” [] movie, original poster art [] from Wikimedia Commons. Incorporating images from: TheUnseen011101 [] on Flickr (also on Wikimedia []), Blink O’fanaye [] on Flickr, and [].

photography ranting

My Best Mobile Photos — 2017

In the first post in this series [] I said:

I started using Lightroom mobile to take photos on my phone sometime in 2017 so that’s a logical place to stop… let’s see if I can get that far.

Well, I made it, here we go, 2017.

I started the year with the iPhone 6S but, as it’s an odd year I upgraded to the iPhone 8 Plus, the last of the iPhones sans notch. The camera was mostly similar to the iPhone 6S in terms of specs, enough that I didn’t notice that much difference. It did take better low light photos, less noise.

But I started the year with the 6S so lets go back to that. First photo is this beautiful shot taken on an unexpected trip to Antalya in Southern Turkey. On the way to Israel for a work trip in early January my flight was diverted to Antalya due to a snow storm in Istanbul. More info in this post [].


It was only one night, and by the next evening I was sitting on the rooftop lounge of my hotel in Tel Aviv, where I took this shot:


Fast forward 6 months and I took this next shot from a plane on another work trip, this time to Jakarata. This is one of the photos that I think is in my top 10 mobile photos ever. I used it as a background on my phone for a long time.


Up next is another photos from a plane, on yet another work trip, this time to Australia. But this time it’s our first photo taken on the iPhone 8 Plus:


Next up, jellyfish, at the S.E.A. Aquarium in Singapore:


My last two best of 2017 mobile photos were taken in Lightroom Mobile. I started taking photos in Lightroom in June of 2017, but not very many initially, it took a while before it started to replace the default camera app as my go to mobile photo tool. But by the end of the year I was taking them in Lightroom regularly if not most of the time. Today almost any photo I take is done in Lightroom, except for quick shots that I share and then delete over things like WhatsApp.

First up for Lightroom, this car, I think it was in Paragon mall’s underground parking:


And finally, almost at the end of the year, December 28th, this shot of the light show put on nightly by MBS:


So that’s it for 2017. 13 years worth of “best of” mobile photos. Will I stop now. Don’t think so. I’ve had fun looking back, now I will switch over to the photos taken in Lightroom but I think I will go on to 2018, and beyond. But once I catch up to now I’ll have to slow down, once a year post in January? We’ll see if I can stick to that.