

So apparently the email daemon on confusion decided to spaz out sometime Monday night or Tuesday morning—all the sudden it stopped accepting email. Maybe it was just sick of spam, I don’t know. Flugie told me he was having issues trying to send me something. I tried just restarting the mail daemon but it still would not accept mail so I rebooted the system. Only problem was the system did not come back on. D’oh! It took me some time to track down the IP so I could get the box manually rebooted by someone but all appears to be better now.

I need to do a lot of clean up around here—what do you thing the odd’s of me doing that anytime soon are? Not so good I expect. I will be very busy at work over the next few months. It’s all good. I don’t think more than three people bother to read my little corner of the web anyway. C’est la vie! I do want to set up a seperate site for stuff about my fish tank. It would be really cool to have a digital camera so I could upload nice pics of my system. Hum… maybe I buy one with my tax return—then I could take it to Japan too. Oh well, got to go to work now.



I finally moved my reef tank. Though don’t know if I can still call it a ‘reef tank’ as it has been at my parents house for four years and is in rather sorry shape for a reef. Not to say my mom did not take good care of it. Up until the hurricane a few months ago most of the fish where still alive. Some of them have been there for 6 years. But there is not that much left in the tank other than the live rock. A few fish, a crab, a starfish and a couple of sorry coral.

I took advantage of moving the tank to do two things I have wanted to do for some time; I got rid of several fish I no longer wanted—not because I did not like them but because they have gotten big and are very Territorial now. They kill new things! Also I got a new tank and stand—this time with a built in overflow kit so I do not have things hanging off the back of the tank to drain and return the water.

Anyway, I hope to have the tank back to show quality in a few months. Though I have already spent nearly $800 on this thing in the past week. Oh well, it’s a relaxing hobby to take up my time in the absence of romantic things.


walking alone

It’s going to be quite a depressing holiday season. It’s not something I really want to talk about. I knew it was coming but it still hurts. At least this time other parts of my life are better. I walk alone again, for a while at least.


Urban Mythology

To homeless children sleeping on the street, neon is as comforting as a night-light. Angels love colored light too. After nightfall in downtown Miami, they nibble on the NationsBank building—always drenched in a green, pink, or golden glow. “They eat light so they can fly,” eight-year-old Andre tells the children sitting on the patio of the Salvation Army’s emergency shelter on NW 38th Street. Andre explains that the angels hide in the building while they study battle maps. “There’s a lot of killing going on in Miami,” he says. “You want to fight, want to learn how to live, you got to learn the secret stories.”

This [ miaminewtimes ] is just too cool. Sad how it came into being, but the story is awesome. Like the kids in Beyond Thunderdome…


prophets of an Orwellian world

Sunday A few people went with me to see Al Gore give a speech on “Security and Freedom” at DAR Constitution hall. It was a very good speech—if you want to read it (or see it via web-cast) click here [ ]. I’ll let the speech speak for itself. I can’t write that good. A lot of good quotes and points that need to be made—and made loudly. A great addition of reading Gore’s speech is an article in The Economist last week: Rights to Remember, by Harold Hougju Koh from Yale. You can read it here [ ]

Both Gore and Koh are talking about what is the most important issue facing the US today—and thereby the whole world (though things like war and starvation surly overshadow it in many places); the issue of freedom verse security. Many of the knee jerk anti-terrorism laws and actions of the Bush administration undermine the very foundations of our country. Though most of the things they have done are not new (most have their basis in actions taken by previous administrations during armed conflicts) they, like the actions they are based on, must be repealed. I will not trade fear of terrorism for fear of my own government. I think the government would be a more terrorizing and imminent threat.

Anyway, just read the two articles.