
ted rall’s war cry

Ted Rall has posted a great article on Yahoo News entitled War Cry. A great political satire where Iranian President Mohammad Khatami makes the case for military intervention against the tyrant of America, George Bush. You have to read this.


journal problems.

I spent today looking for a good solution to the issue I have with Livejournal, not being able to go back more than 75 entries on my page. I have not found a nice solution yet. I looked at a bunch of weblog authoring systems but the biggest problem is embedding them in my system. I think Movable Type is my best bet, but I am having some problems with it. Mostly with trying to import my old journal—half of that is because Livejournal does not have a nice way of exporting my old entries.

I guess I could just start over, but there are a few old entries I really want to keep. Also not having the old entries kind of goes against the whole reason for keeping a journal. I will look into it some more. If I had a linux box set up and a high speed connection I would just write my own system I think. But here at my parents house I only have dial-up access and Windows…

quotes ranting

some quotes…

Bored, so I will just post some cool quotes that I have lying around…

An idiot throws a rock into a well and ten smart people have to do their best to get it out.

Romanian proverb

I don’t necessarily agree with my own opinion.

Order is for idiots, genius can handle chaos.

If you want to be witty, say what you think at all times

Oscar Wilde

Time is just a window someone forgot to close.


Life is what happens to you when you’re making other plans.

Doubt is not a pleasant condition but certainty is an absurd one.


To achieve success: Break all the rules.

Robert de Wolf

Reality is that which refuses to go away when I close my eyes.

It IS as BAD as you think, and they ARE out to get you.

Truth stands when the world is burning down.

Normal is a setting on a washing machine.

A clean, neat, and orderly work-place is a sure sign of a sick mind.

Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana.

A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are for.

John A. Shedd

While we are not ideal people, we must be people of ideals.

The mockingbird can change its tune eighty-seven times in seven minutes. Politicians regard this interesting fact with envy.

Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.

Pablo Picasso

How come the dove gets to be the peace symbol? How about the pillow? It has more feathers than the dove, and it doesn’t have that dangerous beak.

Why are there flotation devices under plane seats instead of parachutes?

Why is it that when you transport something by car, it’s called a shipment, but when you transport something by ship, it’s called cargo?

Why do we drive on parkways and park in driveways?

I found a flaw in using Livejournal to post my thoughts on my webpage today. If you press the ” Previous 2″ link at the top to go back over and over again, to come to a point where it no longer says ” Previous 2″ but “Previous Day.” At that point pressing it will just bring you back the the same entries over and over again. The issue is that Livejournal to keep load on their servers down archives everything 75 entries and older. This means that the script I use to access my entries does not know how to handle anything older than 75 entries ago. You can still see the old entries over at but I don’t like that.

So, I have been thinking that I may sit down and so some work on writing my own database and scripts for my journal and the comments. I really like the comments, it’s the interaction that makes the whole journal thing worth while. The problem with leaving Livejournal is that there is no longer a login option to identify a commenter. But I have to think on how much that is an issue given the number of people who actually comment on my journal.



Don’t really have anything in particular to talk about tonight but I wanted to put something up for the people who do check in regularly, so I will just ramble on for a while…

First of all: I miss my girlfriend. She asked me how I deal with it recently and the truth is I don’t deal with it. When I think about the fact that the last time I saw here was in June and the next time I will see her, if I am lucky is December I miss her terribly and I have to think about something else. Keep my mind on something, the problem is I have an over active mind and when I sit and read my mind starts to wonder off on it’s own and I don’t pay attention to what I am reading… I start thinking about missing C███████ then about how to get the money to go see her, which leads to thoughts on my upcoming job and needing to get an apartment but not having any money to make a deposit (I should get some money that GMU owes me soon and that will cover the deposit and first months rent.) All this leads me to remembering that I will not have enough money to afford a nice new 4Runner that I want—badly! All this is very depressing and I end up not knowing what I just read so I have to start it over but that’s annoying and I just put the book down, which explains why I have not finished Magic Mountain yet—been reading it for over a month! Anyway, I really miss C███████, and until I get a place and a phone I cannot even call her up and talk to her in person because my parents don’t make a lot of over seas calls so the long distance plan they have does not do over seas an they charge a fortune for the calls! Ahhh!! I hate being broke! I hate it! Must have money!

All this needing constant stimulation to avoid thinking too hard had driven me to watching news TV all the time. I see the same stories about 20 times a day… I watch the stock market ticker for fun and try to guess what the next move will be up or down (been easy—down, down, down with the stocks!!!!) Some interesting things have been on, Ken Burns Civil War was on last week—I watched it all. I love Ken Burns works, and now PBS is running a weekly show called Ken Burns American Stories on Monday nights. It’s a really good show, old one hour documentaries made by Burns and crew over the last twenty years. I like public TV.

Anyway, I think I will go to bed now.

P.S. How you all like the new website background images? I like then, the site is still simple but has a little something so as not to be too plain.


gots me an edumacation!

It’s all ‘ficiall like now ’cause I done Gradumacated!

That’s right! It’s only been seven months since I had classes but GMU, Syracuse and City finally got their collective acts together enough to arrange for my transfer of credits and I have officially graduated! The paper works says I was awarded a Bachelors of Science in Computer Science with Distinction on August 17, 2002. Ok who’s buying the Beer/Wine/Al-key and where is the party? Yea me!