photography ranting

My Best Mobile Photos — 2008

Time marches on…And technology gets better. While the iPhone was released in the US in 2007 the rest of us had to wait for the 3G or even 3Gs (unless you got a very overpriced parallel import) so I entered 2008 as I ended 2007 with my Sony Ericsson, the Z610i []. But, it did […]

photography ranting

My Best Mobile Photos — 2007

I started 2007 with the same Sony Ericsson Z800i [], that I got back in June of 2005. But it died in late February or early March of 2007 (my last Z800i photos is dated February 25th, but the first with the next handset is from March 11th). I replaced the Z800i with a another […]

photography ranting

My Best Mobile Photos — 2006

Continuing on my journey reviewing all my mobile phone photos over the years we come to 2006. (you can see 2004 here [], and 2005 here []). 2006 was a big year for me, I got married at the end of the year, I changed jobs here in Singapore (which was big as it meant […]

photography ranting

My Best Mobile Photos — 2005

I started 2005 using the same Sony Ericsson K700i I took my best 2004 mobile phtos [] with. I used it for the first half of the year, and the only photo worth sharing during that time that is not a portrait is another panorama: The photo stitching is much better in this one, as […]

photography ranting

My Best Mobile Photos — 2004

I have embarked on a mission to cleanup my mobile phone photo library. As long as I’ve been taking photos with my mobile I have been ignoring them after I back them up. These days I back them up to Lightroom and I have even managed to find and imported photos from before I used […]