
All those benefits!

A computer is a clock with benefits.

Paul Ford, in What is Code [] on Bloomberg

Many, many benefits.


Its A Roller Coaster.

Your body is not a temple, it’s an amusement park. Enjoy the ride. 

Anthony Bourdain, quoted in 23 Brilliant Life Lessons from Anthony Bourdain []

Editor Wars

Good romp down my programming past: The Oldest Rivalry in Computing []

I started life as a Emacs user — based almost entirely on the fact that I loved and studied AI and Emacs’ use of LISP made it the natural choice as soon as i was aware of its existence. Later the realworld of SSH connections and computer hopping made use of vi a more convinient skill. So in the end, I’m an atheist. Emacs vs. vi is like Relativity vs. Quantum Mechanics – so far they are incompatible but you need both for a working universe.



“There is no cloud, just other people’s computers.”

I don’t know who said it, but it’s brilliant. I found it in this image on Coding Horror []:

Other People's Computers

It’s a good way to remember where you are storing things when you store them in the cloud. You stored them in other people’s computers. 

Are you down with OPC?


Laser-Shaped Telescopic Glitter Clouds

No. It’s not an episode of My Little Pony. It’s an actual thing. A NASA thing:

In the future, mirror-based space telescopes might be replaced by “glitter clouds” of particles sculpted by laser light, according to NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). This mind-boggling proposal is called Orbiting Rainbows…

Becky Ferreira, Rainbow Cloud of Space Glitter and Lasers Could Image Alien Worlds []