
Pure Evil

The company who makes this packing material has no soul. They are pure evil, sucking the fun out of life.


You can’t pop the bubbles! I ask you: what’s the point of bubble wrap you can’t pop! Evil. Pure. Fucking. Evil!

photography travel

Tel Aviv, Israel, May 2013


I spent some time at work in Tel Aviv in May. Not much extra time for sightseeing or photography but I managed one evening walking along the beach. Israel seems to have amazing sunsets daily. You can see a few more photos in my Tel Aviv, Israel, May 2013 photoset on Flickr [].




It’s been forever since I last posted something worth reading here. Family and work have consumed most of my time. All my hobbies, including this navel gazing corner of the internet, have suffered. I plan to change that and get back to posting something more than a screenshot or quote.

It’s not that I have not had things I wanted to say, just no time to finish saying them. I’ll spare the world most of my not out-of-date rants on current events (actually I’m not sure why, ’cause all the rants about current events on Confusion are, by definition out-of-date now…, but anyway I’ll spare you.) I have a number of half-finished book reviews and stores that I need to complete and then post but I also recently stumbled onto a small treasure trove of navel gazing gold! I resurrected a hard drive that I took out of my computer back in 2000! Holy fucking dot-com bubble batman! It’s got an interesting selection of emails and papers from my heady days as a code slave and full-time Computer Science student before the dot-com bubble burst, 9/11 and that European thingie I did. Unfortunately it’s a small treasure trove and the vast majority of interesting stuff was on a different drive that a penguin ate []. Nevertheless! There is some gold in them there magnetic platters! I shall endeavour to post some here for fun and ridicule. I assume my public awaits with bated breath.


Some people

[H]uman beings do not act solely on impulse. They are prudent, they reflect, they weigh consequences, they ask whether what they are doing is worth while.

Thomas Nagel, in The Absurd from Moral Questions

Well, not all human beings meet that definition…



Well! This list of Puritan names [] from 1888 on Jezebel is awesome! “Fly-Fornication” is the best. And you thought my choice of names [] was questionable.