

Ah, but a man’s reach should exceed his grasp.

Robert Browning

Frigging Lasers Man

Hey man

Do you like lasers?

Fuck yeah you do.

  • Holy shit all of those photons are moving in the same direction. It’s like a motherfucking army of photons marching toward your retina goddamn!
  • This shit is used to read data off of reflective discs. WHAT THE FUCK how can lasers read shit off of thin shiny pieces of plastic I mean holy fucking crap it’s gotta have a tiny wizard in there or some shit.
  • Are you gonna want to use a faggy flashlight or a stupid lighter? Fuck no, you want a laser shit yes!
  • I hear they figured out how far away the moon is using lasers or some shit. That doesn’t make any fucking sense!
  • They come in any fucking colour you can think of. Even some colours that aren’t even colours like infrared. WTF is infrared? Fuck you, I don’t know.
  • Dear motherfucking shit they move at the speed of light and nothing is faster than the speed of light because Einstein said so goddamn
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The Pirates of Iwo Jima

I noticed a spike in my Flickr [] stats recently:

beggs Flickr stats overview 15 Aug 09 to 11 Sept 09

Most days I have a number of photos in the 3 or 8 views range and maybe one or two photos in the 9 to 15 views range. But on the day in question one photo got a lot of attention:

beggs Flickr views by image on 31 Aug 09

A little more digging and most of the views originated from Stylem [] who sell an iPhone application called “backgrounds” (get it here in iTunes [].) The application (which I have on my iPhone) allows one to browse and download various images other have submitted to the iPhone to use as wallpapers. Apparently there are people who like my photo of the Iwo Jima Pirates graffiti in DC.

However, the photo is not very well optimized for the iPhone display. So I took a few minutes and made a version that (I think) is better optimized for the iPhone screen. Here it is:

The Pirates of Iwo Jima

Sungei Buloh Wetlands Reserve, Singapore, August 2009


Sungei Buloh Wetlands Reserve [] is one of the few truly wild places left in Singapore. You can see quite a lot of wildlife there; monitor lizards, tree frogs, resident and migrant water birds and, I’m told, even small saltwater crocs on occasion. Unfortunately, I didn’t see a croc, but I did see lots of crabs and even a tree frog or two.

You can see the full Sungei Buloh Wetlands Reserve, Singapore, August 2009 photoset on Flickr []


Old Changi Hospital, Singapore, August 2009


I’ve been to OCH before [] to take photos but I think I’ve got a better eye and better equipment now. The end results don’t necessary justify that statement. I like the photos, but they don’t have that creepy feeling I would want. Partly I think it’s due to not post-processing the images very much. No major dodge and burn or change in the hues. Partly the images don’t tell any story. Maybe I need a model.

You can see the whole Old Changi Hospital, Singapore, August 2009 photoset on Flickr [].