

Well! This list of Puritan names [] from 1888 on Jezebel is awesome! “Fly-Fornication” is the best. And you thought my choice of names [] was questionable.


Oh my…

The Vibease project on Indiegogo [] deserves to be funded on principle. Utilitarian principles if nothing else; they obviously wish to increase the total amount of happiness in the world…

ad for Vibease: the world's first wearable smart vibrator

As of now they are more than 400% funded with 17 days to go.


Old School

Flashcard showing a Videotape.jpg

Old school jokes aside… I question the value of this flash card.


To Lagos!

Photo of plane live location map, showing plane Southwest of Lagos, Nigeria

I assure you I was not on my way to Lagos. But during my 8 hour flight back to Singapore from Sydney the plane appears to have been stuck at 0 Longitude, 0 Latitude. But somehow I still got to Singapore.


Tweets by Device

Someone has produced an interactive map of all the geotagged tweets since 2011 []… You can see how iPhone addicted Singapore is, while Malaysia and Indonesia are still dominated by Blackberry:

Image showing tweets by device, outline of singapore clearly visible, dominated by the color for iPhone

I suspect that today Singapore would be more balanced between iPhone and Android but a few years ago the penetration rate for iPhone was crazy here.