
My Day

My day 23 November 2010

Rural Broadband Coops

I spent three weeks in September in the US visiting some of the various parts of my family. My family is widely dispersed around the US; my Parents and sisters in Virginia, my mother’s parents in Southern Minnesota and my father’s brother and mother in Iowa. I didn’t visit my aunts and uncles on my mother’s side as I would have to include Arizona, Oregon, South Dakota, Montana, and I don’t even know where. One of my cousins is either in Alaska or Russia somewhere—I think. The point of this is that my family lives is typically rural area’s of the US and for the entirety of my trip I had no access to the Internet accept via dial-up at my parents house or WiFi at coffee shops. Being that this was a vacation the lack of internet was not really an issue, and was quite refreshing to be offline for an extended period of time, I only resorted to coffee shops to help coordinate meet-ups with friends and to book and check-in to flights and rental cars. But the lack of connectivity did get me thinking about the government’s plans for extending the reach of broadband.

The current situation, lack of broadband access in these type of rural locations, is the result of a the heady mix of demographics and economics know as capitalism. The demographics are thus: I spent half my vacation at my parents house in rural Virginia; in the suburbs of a mid-sized city of about 40,000 people, plus an additional 10 to 12 thousand students during the school year. According to the US Census estimates for last year, if you add in the surrounding county (where my parents actually live) you come close to 130,000 people. According to the census 2000 numbers the population density is about 110 people per square mile. For clarity my parents house is about a mile from the interstate sitting on an acre of land surrounded by an approximately equal mix of houses and forested land with some farmland thrown in for good measure.

The second half of my time was spent at my mothers’ parents’ house. Farm I should say. The farm is in Minnesota in a county of less than 10,000 people, their nearest neighbor is… well, lets say that nobody can hear you scream, unless maybe you are Jamie Lee Curtis and it’s Halloween. The population density where my grandparents live is about 22 people per square mile, but that’s misleading as 4,000 of the people in the county live in ‘town’. Corn and Soy Bean as far as the eye can see, and a few cows. Corn fed middle America it is.

That broadband is not available at my grandparents house is understandable and I won’t bemoan the situation too much. However, my parents live in a fairly progressive place and they both work, in town, at one of the top public universities in the US. A university, I should note, that provided both of them with email addresses way back in 1994. The oldest emails in my archive are from back then when I was using my fathers account over dial-up (direct to the university) — along with the internet access it came with, an internet composed of services with names like Gopher [] and WAIS []. An Internet accessed via a modem who’s speed was measured in baud. That’s right baud [].

The economics is put forth by the major ISP‘s as to why they have not expanded their coverage to include these types of rural locations. The argument boils down to ‘it is not economical to build and maintain the infrastructure to supply broadband to these areas with low population density’, that they could not recoup the capital and operational investment in a reasonable time frame. Since I’m not a number cruncher I will not argue this point, but remember the argument, you’ll hear it again.

Now the government wants to extend broadband access to the rural masses. Billions of dollars are going to be handed out to companies. The most likely recipients for the majority of this cash are, of course, the same ISPs who have failed to deliver broadband to the rural masses to date under the assumption that this money will cover most or all of the investment making it more worthwhile to build and maintain the infrastructure.

I have little faith in this vision. I expect that the ISPs will take the money and will show some effort to provide coverage but little will be achieved and soon the ISPs will be back at the watering hole requesting another drink. That, it seems to be is what happens when the Government gives money to existing industrial player to try and entice them.

Now, a little history. About a hundred years ago humanity tamed electricity. Over the next few decades big cities were lit, but the rural population was stuck in the age of oil lamps. Originally this had a lot to do with the problem of power transmission but that was eventually solved (and I recommend you read up on the early days of electricity: Edison and Tesla, AC/DC, death threats, supreme court battles and electrified elephants… You can’t make this shit up!) Once the issues of power generation and transmission were solved the problem became one of economics. It was simply not profitable to invest huge sums of capital into power stations and transmission infrastructure to electrify the sparsely populated countryside.

The government eventually stepped in, as part of the New Deal, via the Rural Electrification Administration. The REAs mission was to enable the electrification of the countryside, — the farms and small towns. This was accomplished via the funding and creation of rural electrical coops. Non-profit organizations that took on the task of building transmission infrastructure on places where the established electrical companies would not. Most Coops didn’t produce power, they purchased it from the established power generators or coops specifically focused on the power generation side of the equation. But the government had to compel the existing power companies to sell power to the coops. Arguments were made that the coops were competitors and the power companies would be broken by providing power to their competitors.

In the end the coops did get power from the big boys, and they did build transmission lines and provide service to many rural areas. I would go so far as to say that the rural electric coops where a great success, considering the fact that both my parents and my grandparents get their power for coops to this day. In fact the list of electric coops in the US [] is impressive.

Since the arguments around rural broadband about demographics and economics are the same as those around rural electrification long ago might the same system be a better place to spend money on broadband today? The existing transmission coops could even utilize government money to focus on building out Ethernet Over Power (EOP) systems to utilize their existing investment in infrastructure, thus removing much of the right-or-way and other issues that raise the cost of bringing broadband infrastructure to rural areas without or with older cable infrastructure or with older telephone infrastructure.

Of course the whole process of awarding the rural broadband money will no doubt be driven by the lobbying of entrenched interests. So rural broadband coops will most likely remain a dream.


Cleaning up after yourself

I just went to lunch at a subway near my house and was treated to a sad, sad display of laziness.

Let me start by saying that this particular form of laziness is a pet peeve of mine, which I bitch about way too much to my friends. So maybe if I rant about it here I can stop nagging about it to them. At this point I should say I’m going to pick on Singaporeans and while the laziness that I am going to describe is in no way unique to Singaporeans, I live here, it’s where I observe it on a daily basis so I pick on them. Also I think it’s part of a bigger issue in their society and so they are predisposed to this particular laziness.

To set the scene: when I arrived at the Subway there was one other customer in line ordering, one customer seated at a table by herself and one table occupied by a group of three. The other 15 tables were empty (yes I counted). An additional, very important piece of information is that the customer sitting alone was not eating; she was obviously with the customer ordering in front of me and the table she was sitting at was covered in the trash of the previous customer(s) who sat there — cups, napkins and sub wrappers. Another empty table was also similarly covered. Why was a customer sitting at the dirty table when there were so many? Because both dirty tables were bench seats, which are cushined, also the other occupied table was a bench seat, people would rather sit at a dirty table then sit at the hard seats. It should be noted that the trash bin was less than three steps from the either of these seats. This is the laziness I want to rand about; the seeming inability of a vast number of people to cleanup after themselves.

Now here is how it played out. The customer ordering in front of me finished ordering and joined their companion at the trashy table. The two of them pushed the trash to the side and ate their sub, drank their drinks and enjoyed their cookies. Then they got up and left.

That’s it. Now my Singaporean friends might not find anything wrong with this scenario, except perhaps that the customers pushed the existing trash aside rather than moving it to an unoccupied table near at hand which is the common practice here. To be fair they most likely would not even notice what happened and if it was pointed out they might say, yes they should just throw the trash away. It’s so common that people don’t notice.

What’s wrong with this from my foreign — American’ ang moh — point of view is that subway is a fast-food restaurant, where customers are expected to deposit their trash in the provided trash bins which have “thank you” inscribed on them. That way the table is clear of debris when the next customer needs a place to sit, thus facilitating the quick turn over that enables the restaurant to provide it’s goods at high volume and a low price.

Why Singaporeans don’t fulfil this social contract has, I think, a logical source: hawker centers. Long ago in a less prosperous Singapore the government corralled all the street food vendors into centralized food centers with seating, restrooms, lighting and such. Even today most of the food served in Singapore is served by hawkers in such government food centers or in their more commercialized private offspring the “coffee shop” or kopitiam as they are often called by locals. And, to be honest, the best food mostly comes from these hawker centers. It must also be said that for the most part hawker center meals are cheaper than fast-food.

Since hawker centers and coffee shops are composed of a collection of individual stalls selling food the government or coffee shop owner provides the cleaning staff who collect and return the various plates, cups, utensils and other things customers eat off of; dispose of trash and leftovers; and clean the tables.

Hawker centers were so successful that the behavior that is acceptable in them has become the common denominator; not cleaning up after oneself is simply accepted at any eating establishment — even at places, such as the Ikea restaurant and some coffee shops where there are large signs screaming at customers to return their trays to specific locations. And let’s not talk about other hawker center behaviour like piling up all your shrimp shells that you spit out or the bones from your chicken or fish onto the table that you then leave for someone else to cleanup or that it is perfectly acceptable to not provide napkins or hand towels (consider yourself extremely lucky if you find a bathroom in Singapore that keeps towels in stock, the dispenser is there just to trick non-locals.)

All of this is of course not really a problem or much of a bother to locals. It’s just me, it’s a pet peeve, but this is my personal soapbox so I’ll rant if it damn well want to.

My problem with this is that people have become so used to not cleaning up after themselves through this hawker center mentality (and add in the fact that many cannot even clean up after themselves at home because they have a personal house slave — but that’s a separate, though related, rant) that they are passing this laziness on to their kids wholesale. Maybe my mom grew up too poor or my dad too southern or maybe it was the Boy Scouts hammering home their slogan of leaving a place in better condition than you found it, but I think that cleaning up after oneself is a core part of being a responsible productive member of the human race, and a trait of utmost importance to pass on to ones children to equip them for success in the wider world. We had a name for people who’s parents never taught them this or who had maids their whole life: spoiled brats. Spoiled as in the Singlish definition: broken.

quotes ranting

No calls please

We’re moving, in other words, toward a fascinating cultural transition: the death of the telephone call. This shift is particularly stark among the young. Some college students I know go days without talking into their smartphones at all.

Clive Thompson, in The Death of the Phone Call [], from Wired August 2010 []

Yep, that would be me. I loath the phone, always have. The only times I have ever gotten into calling someone is the infatuation stage of new relationships (which were few and far between for me, and think you very much I’m married now,) during which I fell asleep way to many times with the phone off the hook, thankfully this was mostly before cell phones or after I moved to a place which had unlimited calling plans, otherwise I’d still be paying off that debt along with the whole going to college debt.

But really, I average less than one call a day and regularly go three or four days without a call. My iPhone’s call list currently looks like this:

C****** L**
14:10 (today)
J***** L**
S******** P****
C****** L**
C****** L** (3)
C****** L**
N** S**** (2)
C****** L**
N** S**** (1)

Looking at that you’d assume I have no friends. And while I have few friends, few is greater than zero. I usually communicate via SMS. I count 8 people who I’ve messaged with in the past three days and close to 60 messages.

Message come naturally for several reasons: first; as mentioned I don’t like the phone, second; and most likely related — I’m a geek, and third; I was in college during the late `90’s and early `00’s in the US.

The dates are important because they coincide with a few monumental events:

  • Free (useful) internet on college campuses
  • Everyone had a desktop in college (at least in the technical/science fields, laptops where just coming into their own)
  • ICQ and AOL IM clients were new and exciting
  • Only drug dealers and business people had cell/mobile phones in the US

All this added up to a lot of people like me who had a computer in their dorm rooms, running ICQ or AOL all the time with an always on, free, internet connection. It was like a personal secretary while you where in class or at ciao or there was a sock on the door handle and you could not get it — yea I was always on the outside looking at the sock… at least at my own dorm room :-) You’d get back from class (and into your dorm) to find these little, often out-of-context or hours old, messages from all kinds of people and, importantly, you could choose to respond or not as you wished.

IM served as both a real-time communication mechanism and a message taking system. You could safely ignore it if you were studying (or leeching off Napster or gaming or browsing Pr0n!) and these little love notes would be waiting to fill your emotional void or provide that elusive answer to the take home exam when you were ready for them.

Anyway, all of this experience with both real-time and asynchronous communication over IM in college proved a good training ground for SMS. I moved to Europe in 2001 and landed smack dab in the middle of the SMS revolution. And being a poor college student I was a pre-paid customer (such thing didn’t even exist in the US till long after I returned) so when I went to London I used very, very… very, little voice. It cost as much to say hello on a voice call as it did to have an entire conversation on SMS! I got so used to using text to communicate with people that when I got back to the US and joined a company working in SMS interoperability I was one of only two people in the company who had ever sent an SMS before starting there (the other guy was German so he had a head start at it.)

So, yea, I’m a thirty-something and I don’t talk on the phone.


Holey Parkinglots

Parking lots here in Singapore don’t tend to be the horizon spanning monstrosities of the US, land being a premium and all that, they tend to be either fairly small or multi-story parking decks. One feature of the non-parking deck lots that they do have strikes me as something the US should consider.

Basically the parking spaces in Singapore parking lots are not paved with asphalt or concrete — they are paved with bricks, holey bricks at that:

Parking lots paved with holey bricks
Parking lots paved with holey bricks, detail

So why would this be a good idea: less runoff, less sewers-backing-up floods, more plants (questionable at best). I’m sure there would be a host of issues to be solved, like how much oil/gas is leaking into the ground because of this (cars in Singapore tend to be new, well maintained due to the exorbitant cost of owning them and various other government rules, while cars in the US run a wide gamut, old and new, lots of oil and gas leaking rust-on-wheels.), not to mentions the cost of the bricks and laying them compared to the cost of asphalt. Also grass grows like a weed here in the tropics not so much in parts of the US so it might just be dirt in the holes. But really it just looks so much nicer.