
it is done.

“And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon. And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air: and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, saying, ‘It is done.'”—Rev. 16:16-17

No more exams — no more classes — no more teachers — no more school! I am done! I took my last exam this morning. And assuming I don’t fail any of these clases I am done with school… Now it’s off to see Star Wars: Attack of the Clones… hehe! then I shall rant… I know I have not finished the Europe trip yet, and have not updated in a while, but hey, it was exam time. Ciao…


fabric live.

Wow, talk about a way to make up for Bedrock! I went out with C███████, A█████, Sherman and a few of A█████s friends since he leaves in the morning. We went drinking at a bar not far from here, we had a great time, but the kicker was that this bar was next door to Fabric—one of the best clubs in London! So C███████, A█████, one of the other girls from halls and myself went to Fabric. Now the last time I went to Fabric it was ok, it was Drum & Base and Garage night—not my style of music, but the venue was sweet. Tonight though, it was Deep House in the room we where in, the kind of deep house where you lose yourself to the beat, the waves caused by the base bins pounding out the rhythm keep you moving even if you are dead tired. The light strobe and spin giving the room that feeling of movie like confusion. I don’t know who the DJ was—no one I’d ever heard of but it doesn’t matter, the whole atmosphere just transported me back to the basement of Club216 when I was in high school, when all the music was just “techno” because I did not know any better, when I could dance till the sun was up—and longer because we did not know it was up. After the Jaded Raver night I had at Bedrock this was exactly what I needed.


what’s wrong with me?

I went to Bedrock at Heaven tonight—it is supposed to be one of the best club nights in the world, John Digweed’s residence. Well tonight there was no Digweed and it was a wast of 8 pounds. I think I have become a jaded raver—I don’t seam to have fun very often when I go out clubbing. I find people to be rude, and want to be rude back, I rarely find the music to my liking, and when I do find a good beat it does not last long. I have not been clubbing a lot since I came to Europe but when I do go I do not seem to have a lot of fun. I don’t like it………..


switzerland, der schweitz, suisse, svizzera, svizra!

(I don’t even know what language the last of those is in.) So where was I? Oh yea, dropped Jennifer onto an airplane and left Paris for Der Schweitz! The train ride (actually two of them, I had to change at Basel, in Switzerland) was nice—after walking so much in Paris for a week it felt good to sit in a cushioned chair for ten hours. Ok, ten hours was a little too long to sit, but after the first five the scenery was stunning. Switzerland is like someone took a bunch of Ansel Adams photos and made a country out of them. Shear rock faces rising out of pristine lakes, their tops lost in clouds (it was rainy the whole time I was in Switzerland.) I kept trying to take pictures out of the window of the train but it was moving too fast. (Damn train, why does it got to move!)

Somewhere along the way I went from Der Schweitz to Svizzera (left German speaking Switzerland and entered Italian speaking Switzerland) Anyway, I got to Lugano—Thats where C███████ lives, and she her mother picked me up from the train station. Let me just say that the view from C███████’s house back patio is amazing (well, except for that antenna atop the neighbors house—but we’ll ignore that,) her house is halfway up a big mountain and the patio looks down on a lake. At night the lights from all the other houses lining the hills around the lake flicker like so many fireflies.

I guess at this point I have to mention that I met, and made fun of Laura, C███████’s little sister. She’s cool, poppy and happy. C███████’s mom, is very nice, very motherly over a guest—but that’s normal… right? Anyway I spent the night and then went into Lugano in the morning with C███████. There is not much to see in Lugano as a visitor, a nice shopping district which kinda reminds me of a more upscale downtown C’ville, a nice museum—it was showing African art, and there was a sculpture exhibit where the streets in downtown where sprinkled with random sculpture by someone.

Anyway Spent one more night and then took a train to Milano where I met up with A█████—on of the American here at City. I will tell that tall next time.


creaping americanism

Violence in schools has been a reality in the US for some time, now this, like fast food and consumerism, is spreading out to envelope the wider world… This is the second school shooting in Germany that I know of this year. The New York Times has an article on it from which the following quote comes from:

“I never thought anything like this could ever happen in a place like Erfurt,” he[Thomas Rethfeldt] added in a quiet, shaken voice. “I thought this must be a bad film. I thought this kind of thing only happened in America.”