
life is a bitch

Or at least mine is. Saturday night I went out to my truck to go to the Mische’s house for dinner and got a rude shock. I got in and turned the truck on. I headed down to the stop light and while I was waiting for the light to change I heard two people talking—and my first thought was ‘did I leave the window down? God, I hope not it was pooring this morning!’ All this was running through my head because the I could hear the two people way to clearly for all the windows to be up. I turned my head and sure enough the back window was open. Only was not rolled down. In fact it was shattered all over the back seat and floor. As the next horribly logical thought grasped by brain I looked down to see my cd’s—or lack there of in the front seats.

All the cd’s that where in the car—about 23 of them I think, and S██████s copy of The Ghost in the Shell DVD where gone. This is possible the most angering thing that someone could have done to my truck. I would have preferred that they steal it out right rather then steal my cd’s and bust the window. The person who did this—and I’m going to stereotype here and say it was a he—should have himself hoisted up by his scrotum with rusty fish hooks and then he should be repeatedly sodomized by a lemon juice and salt covered puffer fish till they are within an inch of death. Where upon medical treatment should be administered and as soon as they wounds have begun to heal the whole process should be restarted ad infinitum!

Oh yes, they should also be castrated by a rabid pit bull so they can never have a chance to spread their geans.


oh! embarrassing!

I did the most stupid, slap-stick, embarrassing move today. And my hand and side are still throbbing from it. I ended up needing to borrow socks from J███████!

How? Well, it started because of the clutch in the truck—the one I just had replaced (grumble, grumble, grumble!) I picked the truck up yesterday and it was nice. I went back to work and finished up the day (and made the previous post.) When I left work however I noticed I needed to press as hard as I could to get the clutch to engage. I did engage, it was just that I had to push the clutch to the floor and then keep pushing like I was trying to push it through the floor. Once it was in gear everything was fine, I just had to push the clutch all the way down before I felt it engage. Ok. So this morning I got in the truck and pressed the clutch, grabbed the shift stick and pushed it out of reverse and to first. I stopped a few inches from first—it was like hitting a brick wall. I had to slam the clutch down ‘with much authority’ to get it to engage. Again on the way to work things where ok, I just had to press the clutch really hard to change gears.

So fist thing when the shop opened I went over and asked them if they could adjust the clutch a little to loosen it up a bit. They said no problem if I could leave the truck for a while. Ok, it’s about a quarter or a mile walk back to the office. It’s a fairly nice walk to, around a office building lined with trees and then across a small storm ditch and your in the parking lot of my offices. Well, soon
after I sat down at my desk it started raining. It rained for a few hours, but at one when I called the shop back and asked if the truck was down it had stopped raining. I decided to head over before it started raining again.

So, across the parking lot, and down the hill to the the drainage ditch—it’s fairly steep, 35 degree slop or so, but only about 10 feet long. The last two feet or so it concrete for the storm ditch. Now when I got to the bottom of the grass part there was about an inch, maybe two inches of water in the ditch (which has a flat bottom about 2 1/2 feet across.) I figure I can step down to the edge of the water then take a big step across and only the heel of my shoe should get wet. I have long legs, no problem. I took one step onto the concrete—and you know what happened then.

I slid down about a foot before my foot flew up (with the other foot) to about head level—or what would have been head level had my head not now been crashing down to about knee level as I landed ever so gracefully on my right side in the water. I managed to keep my face and head from hitting the concrete by catching myself on my right hand—the back of my right hand. My feet and right leg where laying in two inches of water and I had managed to splash enough that my shirt
was 80% drenched—even my hair got wet!

And I still had to walk to the shop to get my truck! Oh! My toes when ‘squish-squish’ with every step! How embarrassing is that? I walked in to pick up the truck soaked from head to toe. Thank god there was an extra shirt in the truck. I sat around in half wet clothes the rest of the day. When I got to mason to hang out with J███████, K– and S██████I had to borrow a pair of socks as my where still soaking wet!

And the clutch is still not right—now it is too loose!


cash go down the hole…

Nearly $1400 dollars later… at least my truck shifts smoother than glass…


ripped off

I am convinced that the mechanic is ripping me off. My truck won’t be done today and the price is a couple hundred over the estimate. But as I know only two things about fixing transmissions—jack and shit—there is nothing I can do… I need the truck, and I need it fixed. So… (hopefully) I will have it back tomorrow….


Mein verdammte auto ist kaputt

Scheisse! My truck broke! Well the clutch actually. But it’s going to cost me a thousand dollars. A thousand dollars that I was going to use to go down to DMV and, finally, register my car in DC (it’s a long story.)

Luckily (if anything in this situation is lucky) it decided to die as I was leaving work and there is a transmission place just down the road. So I left the truck there and through the grace of S██████ and J███████ I made it to the metro to go home last night and from the metro to work this morning.

Now I am waiting for the mechanic to call me and give me the final price. (Ouch, my wallet is hurting!)