
Cry havoc!

… and let slip the dogs of war!

“Peace, if it ever exists, will not be based on the fear of war, but on the love of peace. It will not be the abstaining from an act, but the coming of a state of mind. In this sense the most insignificant writer can serve peace, where the most powerful tribunals can do nothing.”

Julien Benda as presented by Herman Wouk, The Winds of War—1971

Not much else to say right now.



This morning on my way to work I passed several bridges with US, UK and Spanish flags hung from them. I also passes many anti-war signs. Bush says diplomacy is at an end, Saddam has 48 hours to get out. No UN resolution—because France and Russia refuse to discuss any use of force to back up the Security Council. I agree that bush is a war monger, but at some point the diplomacy must stop and the words of the UN must be shown meaningful, or the UN should lock it’s doors and quit pretending that there will ever be a diplomatic solution worked through it’s councils and commities. The situations may be different but there is still no defence for playing appeasment with a dictator. The people of France may not see this as appeasment, rather as ‘a peaceful solution’ but giving Hitler the Sudatenland and ignoring his reoccupation of the Rhineland where ‘peaceful solutions…’ So now there is a slim chance that Saddam will walk away—but no one really beleaves this. So war it is. Bush envoked the ‘soverign right of a nation to defend itself.’ I don’t know if that applies to a pre-emptive war… but if it does then he should go to congress to have them declare war, even if ‘our war is not with the people of Iraq’ the president does not have the right to send us to war. Congress should grow the balls that everyone has accused the Security Council of not having and tell Bush that he must bring his case to them, we already have a bad pressident of starting military action without the congress approval—this is against the constitution and should be stopped. So go to war, but follow the framework that the founding fathers layed out for going to war, they had more forsight than any of us can claim.


it’s all gone

All my old emails, writings, address list, everything that was on my lap top. It’s all gone. Gentoo crashed while loading and took my entire hard drive with it. Oh, the hard drive still works, it just does not know where anything that was there is. I could cry… Mostly about all the unfinished stories and essays, but also about some of the old emails…


dc dmv bs

Oh my god… I took off work early to go down to DMV and fight the ticket I got last time it snowed. The ticket said that hearings where on a walk-in basis between 8:30 and 5:00 Monday thou Friday. I got to DMV at 4:05… and the rude bitch at the counter, in between yelling across the room to carry on a conversation with someone else told me that adjudication closed at 4. Now I expect to be told I would have to pay the ticket, but I was going to try to fight it anyway. Now I’m going to make someones life miserable because I have been treated like shit by DMV personel and managment. I have a call in to the head customer service rep now, and if she can’t help me I’ll tell her to give me the number for the next higher up person. The mayer is going to get a nasty ass letter about this whole situation…. I hate incomitance and red tape and to be treated rudely by the DMV staff on top of that? Fuck that, I want blood now.


a year

when we started I was scared, I did not know what to expect, or if it would work out. In only three months the distance between us would encompass an entire ocean. But after a year, I we are still here, seperated by that ocean but close. Relationships are always hard, but a longdistance relationship makes it even harder. I have not seen C███████ in nine months, though we talk often it is not enough. I hope that I will be in a positon to see more of her soon, but… I miss her. So, today marks the one year anniversary of our relationship, I just wanted to wish her a great anniversary and tell her that I love her…