
bush to do good?

Bush is pushing the courts to declare affirmative action unconstitutional, this is a good thing in my opinion. Affirmative action is a concept past it’s time, now it is a vehicle for, not against, discrimination. I understand that there is still discrimination, but affirmative action promotes one set of discriminating practices in an attempt to eliminate another set. I am all for equality, a color/sex/age/religion blind, uber-PC society but now that affirmative action has run it’s course and opened doors for those who needed them opened forcefully it is time to let time itself fix the problem. Affirmative action was a satisfactory solution for an overwhelming problem, now before it has a chance to become an overwhelming problem itself, it is time to move on.

Bush is also proposing a cap on medical malpractice lawsuits. I think he is a little off here. I fully agree that there needs to be something done about the sky rocketing cost of insurance for doctors which in turn leads to higer health care cost for us, which then causes our insurance to go up. But capping malpractice at a quarter million is not an idea I favor. I think that if a doctor does something that causes a patient to be be disabled and unable to work or become permanently disfigured then the person may well need more than a $250K to live off for the rest of their lives. However I think a million would be more than enough for almost all cases here, with the possibility of judicial discretion to increase that amount in rare extenuating circumstances. So I think an upper limit on rewards is a good thing—STOP THE GREED!—but this should apply to ALL civil cases, not just malpractice.

Bush doing good? Somebody pinch me! I must be dreaming… Then again all this is insignificant in the face of his continual warmongering, and the opinion polls are starting to show we are heading to a new Vietnam era like division in America. Not there yet but getting closer, whole cities are passing anti-war resolutions now! (that said there is an anti-war rally in DC this weekend, come join Codejunkie and me! Go to A.N.S.W.E.R. for more info.)



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site smited

Ok, the site was down for the past 36 hours—anyone notice? No? Didn’t think so. Well anyway, the reason was (Warning: Geeky stuff ahead…) that on Sunday afternoon while I was editing some pages I got disconnected. I think it was a problem with Verizon as I could not check my email or other web sites either. I did not think much of is and just turned the computer off and read some of my book before heading to work. Then Monday afternoon, while at work, I pointed my web browser at confusion and what came up was a banner saying that my account had been suspended and that I needed to contact the host. One trouble ticket later and I was informed that I had been abusing the system with ‘vim’ and as a result my account was suspended and I would have to pay $100 do get it turned back on. $100!!!! Abused by vim????

As best I can tell the problem was that when I got disconnected my vim process did not die, (I should have realized this.) Said vim process then apparently decided it needed 100% of the processor to do absolutely not a damn thing! This prompted my hosting company to smite said vim process with much authority and then punish the wicked by suspending my account (kind of akin to purgatory!)

Anyway, I have to admit I got a little rude with tech support by email and they have decided to wave the fee this time. But I best watch out—the next time they smite me it will be with furious vengeance and great wrath!



Two hours to get here. Two hours in a car, in traffic to stare at a grave. An unmarked one at that. No real headstone, just a flat gray square with some dates on it, sunk down in the grass. If you didn’t know it was here you’d miss it. Joe wanted to be cremated, but his mother decided she wanted to be able to visit him. She moved across the country a few years ago. I wonder if anyone else visits.

I don’t know why I come here. I wasn’t going to come this year. I’ve been here every year since ’97. I just stand here. I don’t believe in the afterlife so it’s not for Joes sake that I come here. So it must be for my sake. But all I do is stand here. I look down at the marker for a while and stare out across the other graves, marked by tombstones, across to the woods in the distance. I usually stand here about 40 minutes.

I stand here and I remember the influence Joe had on my life. Joe pulled me out of my shell. When I met him I was the quiet introverted kid who sat in the corner of the room. I didn’t have many friends, I was always reading some fantasy book trying to escape reality. I met Joe because I sat in the back of the class, right by the windows. Joe was chronically late to class. When he did show up he would stand outside and tap on the window behind me till I opened the latch. Then he push it up and try to crawl in while the teacher had her back to us. Sometimes he got away with it—most times he didn’t. He’d take too long and she would turn around or he’d bump his guitar on the windowsill and the loud hollow thud would alert the teacher that Joe was here. Then when she tried to scold Joe he would ask if he could recite a poem for the class. No, Joe did not have his homework but could he sing a song?

Joe was full of life. Sitting in the grass out in front of the school at lunch time, with a dandy lion in his curly hair playing his guitar. There where always four or five other people around him, listening, talking, playing games or eating lunch. People just gravitated to Joe.

I spent most of my junior year’s lunches with Joe and met a lot of people I became good friends with; F█████, D█████, C██████, A█████, T███, and many other. We did stuff in the mornings, after school and on the weekends. We went to coffee shops and talked, we saw movies, we went on trips. It was the first time since elementary school I had a real group of friends that I saw outside of school.

Our senior year Joe played Macbeth in the school play. He floored the crowed. The theater crackled with his personality and the power of his performance. Every soliloquy ended with a standing ovation. All of Joe’s friends asked him for a signed play bill—he signed them ‘just your average Joe.’ We all joked about the Scottish play and it’s curse. A month later Joe was dead. No one talked about the Scottish play and it’s curse then

It happened in January. On the twelfth. It was a Friday but there was no school. It had snowed on Tuesday night and we had not been to school since. I talked to Joe at noon. He said he was going crazy, not being able to get out. He talked about planing a ‘battle of the bands’ at school. Everything seamed normal when I hung up.

The next morning my mom asked me if I know a Joshua. I said no, why? Her friend Doug, who worked for the police had told her at a student from my high school had hung himself the afternoon before. She did not know how old he was, but I did not worry too much—I did not know a Joshua. But the name was not Joshua, it was Yoseph which was Joe’s real name. I found out when F█████ called me. The drama teacher had called him. Joe had hung himself in his closet sometime before five on Friday. No one ever figured out why.

By the time Joe left my life I was no longer the shy introvert. I was, am, not the most outgoing person. I still talk a long time to meet and make friends but now I push my friends into living. I Tell stories, take them places. I have experienced so much more of life since I met Joe. Every time someone quotes the old saying; ‘the candle that burns brightest burns fastest,” I think of Joe. Joe wasn’t just a brightly burning candle, he was a bonfire that everyone else gathered around to be warm and to see the world in his light.

I guess this is why I come here. Joe’s grave reminds me what life is. It puts it all back into perspective. How fleeting everything in our lives is. Here now, gone now. We just travel from one fleeting encounter to another. Every encounter with Joe stands out in my memory because, to Joe, every encounter was precious. He poured his soul into every moment of life.


Practical Ethics

Peter Singer

Practical Ethics

Practical Ethics is the one book I know that can, without fail start a heated argument in any company. You just open to any page read a paragraph out loud. Instant debate.

Peter Singer makes a habit of bait-and-switching the reader. Starting with what (usually) sound like simple, easy to agree with axioms he builds up easy to follow example. Then proceeds to explain why, if you agree with the example, which most people do, you have agreed to something that most people would find unacceptable.

Using this process Singer explores the consequences of applying a Utilitarian ethical system to many of the toughest questions; abortion, euthanasia, animal rights, the environment. Even if you have a utilitarian ethic when you start reading Practical Ethics, you may find yourself, apparently, agreeing to statements you would reject normally.

The one issue with this book is that Singer moves quickly. Maybe to avoid overly verbose and academic discussions, trying to be more “layman”, but the book does sometimes jump to a conclusion that leaves you feeling that you need more to really swallow the pill.

I’m a naturally liberal and logical person and Practical Ethics is probably the single most influential book I have read. I think having, and understanding, a ethical system is a good thing. Too many people never think about their ethics and why they make the decisions they do. They just repeat decisions they don’t really understand.

I was a utilitarian before I read Practical Ethics, but it forced me to examine what that means in the extreme. Taking all the basic utilitarian axioms and pushing them to their logical limits.