
countdown to war

codejunkie posted an interesting ‘call to arms’ to protest the coming ‘war’ with Iraq (go here to read it.)

War is never good… sometimes it is necessary to defend what we believe is right from the ‘tyranny of evil men,’ but war is never good. If Iraq, once again, defies the United Nations, a body it is a member of, should the UN then approve the use of military power to enforce it’s rulings?

No doubt Saddam Hussein is an ‘evil man,’ he had ruled Iraq for twenty years using violence and fear. He had gassed citizens of his own country simply because they are a different ethnicity or religion. He had started wars, ignored the UN, threatened other countries and just plain been a bad boy—we can all agree on that. But should we, again, go to ‘war’ against Iraq?

Back when the ‘war’ with the Taliban was imminent I said that though I did not agree with Bush, I would support the ‘war’ if that was the will of the nation. As an American I would exercise my first amendment right and voice my dissension. That was for a different situation. The Al Qieda and Taliban posed a clear and present danger to the United States and it’s citizens. The situation with Iraq is different.

I do agree that Saddam needs to be reformed and beat into submission to the UN resolutions. The whole idea of ‘preventiative war’ scares me more than anything else. At what point dose the difference between ‘preventiative’ and ‘aggressive’ break down?maybe

If the leaders of the US have proof that Iraq is not complying with the various resolutions of the UN and is in fact producing Chemical, Biological or Nuclear weapons then, before any action is taken, they should use this proof to guide the inspectors to these illicit programs and show the world that Iraq is indeed lying. With out this evidence I cannot support a second war or continued sanctions against Iraq—so we don’t like Saddam, that does not give us the right to go into another sovereign country and remove it’s leader; I don’t like paying taxes but that does not give me the right not to pay them.

On a side note: While the world if focused on Iraq, North Korea is playing nuclear brinkmanship—not a good thing. The UN should request that the Russian Army take out all the nuclear facilities that the regulatory agencies have been kicked out of; they need to send the world a real message, one that says “don’t fuck with us…”


The Name of the Rose

Umberto Eco, Translated by William Weaver


The Name of the Rose is an amazing book. Eco’s story is set amid a turbulent time in European history, filled with references that more than a few times sent me to the encyclopedia to look up things. At it’s heart Name of the Rose is a mystery but the history, theology, philosophy and myriad of other subjects Eco covers will suck you in and leave you, like the main characters, hungry for knowledge. Having seen the movie you may expect that you know the answer to the mystery and that this may spoil your reading of the book. This is in no way the case—the book is so much more complex and gripping than the movie was.

(If like me you do not speak German, Latin, French, Italian and Greek then I recommend getting The Key to The Name of the Rose which contains translations of all the passages not translated into English in the American version of Name of the Rose.)


road kill

that’s what I feel like… nasty three day old smeared over the highway road kill! I had my second polygraph today, and it was worse than the first. They grilled me the first time, I came out thinking ‘stick a fork in me—I’m done!’ They really raked me over the coals. This time I came out thinking ‘I feel like some poor helpless Bambi that just had a very personal encounter with the grill of a Mack truck at 70 mile an hour.’ I definitely need to find something to do tonight.


postal robots

I had a very strange experience at the post office today. I was mailing a package to England and when I got to the counter this short rotund man in a very artificially happy and nice voice helped me. So it cost me $3.20 to send the package… and come to think of it, I believe that was the economy price which takes three weeks—I asked for the regular price which takes 4 to 7 days! Damn it! Anyway, after he said it cost $3.20 and I held out at five for him he asked if I needed any stamps, I said no as he took the five and began making change… then, while he was placing the change in my hand he said that I could pay today with cash, credit card or by check. Change in hand I began to walk away and he, still looking strait at where my face was 30 seconds ago said, thank you and have a nice day… Weird man. I think the post office must be replacing their employees with robots (which will cut down on the number of people who go ‘Postal’) but this robot was a little bit off.

quotes ranting

new year

Time has no divisions to mark its passage, there is never a thunder-storm or blare of trumpets to announce the beginning of a new month or year. Even when a new century begins it is only we mortals who ring bells and fire off pistols.

Thomas Mann

Owww… party….alcohol…pain…owww…must….sleep…happy…new…year…sleep…