
anger/stress management.

I think I need to read me some Dali Lama or something… I seam to be getting to easily upset lately. Don’t really know why, but I get bent out of shape at stupid little things for no reason. I got really pissed off at work the other day after a meeting. I don’t usually get mad (only at my family!) I think the lack of work at work, lack of spending money, and missing C███████ all are contributing to my general ill mood some days. So I think I will read A Policy of Kindness by the Dali Lama—that seams to clear my mind and make me more relaxed and less stressed about stuff.

Anyway, basically I just need to relax and remember that worrying and stressing only cause more worrying and stressing and that takes all the fun out of life! If you can fix it—fix it! If you can’t—stop worrying, it won’t do anything but make you miserable!


lonely turkey day

Very lonely turkey day. Sitting at home all day alone. Everyone I know is at home with their families—not that I really have that much inclination to be sitting around the dinner table with my family but at least I would not be alone. It’s really my own fault; I think that if I had called up the Mische’s and talk to them I would have been invited to dinner. But every time I called them in the afternoons when I got home they where not there. I could have left a message on their answering machine but I kept saying, “no, I’ll just call back.” And human nature being what it is, I would not call later that night, and the same thing would happen a few days later when I did call back. J███████ and K██ are at her parents house, S██████ is doing the family thing all the way to New Jersey, I have not heard from C██████, and Flugie is in Europe (otherwise I might have gone to New York for the weekend if they would have me.) And of course C███████ is in England—the highlight of my day was talking to her on messenger.

Thanksgiving is one of my three big holidays: Forth of July and New Years being the others I really enjoy. The traditional religious holidays have not really been much to me since before I was a teenager. Being agnostic I don’t get much out of them spiritually and the family aspect was less than amazing in my house. So ever since I was a teenager I have celebrated the three big secular holidays in America. Thanksgiving may seem a little out there when you consider it is supposed to be a family oriented affair, but I usually celebrate it with my friends. Though I do have dinner at home with my family—for my moms sake.

A year ago today I was in Belgium breaking the law (see this entry [] and this one [].) I really wish I was somewhere in Europe still. I went down to Xando’s this afternoon to get some coffee and all around me where people speaking in foreign languages. I heard French (from two cute little French girls laughing at whatever they where talking about,) Spanish (from a few different directions, but my Spanish is so bad that they might have been speaking Portuguese or even Icelandic—no really, it sounds like Spanish!) and I think I hear two or three other languages I cannot even place. I think the bartender was the only other one who was a native English speaker! Really makes me miss being in Europe—not to mention it makes it hit home how much of a holiday Thanksgiving is in America. Oh well, better luck next year. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone out there.



James Joyce

Ulysses is, without qualification the worst book I have ever read. James Joyce makes me sick. The book is convoluted tour-de-force of bad writing and attempts to “push the boundaries of a novel,” all of which, individually and in essence, have been used to good effect… by other authors. The worst thing about this whole disaster is that there are sparkles of really amazing writing but they are mostly confined to passages where Stephen Dedalus speaks to some of his fellow teachers. The fact that you know Joyce can write this well makes the rest of the book that much more of a disappointment. I don’t know how Ulysses keeps making it to the top of editors choice lists. They must know something I don’t—and I would consider myself fairly well educated and well read. My advice: don’t waist your time reading Ulysses, unless you are hopelessly in love with Modernist writing.


in a bar…

person: “So, who do you work for?”

beggs: “The customer.”

person: “Who’s the customer?”

beggs: “No idea.”

person: “Ahhh, government contractor.”

beggs: “No comment.”

person: “I’ll drink to that.”


crashing linux

Ohh, Jebus junked-up Christ! I completely funked up my computer last night while trying to set up the DSL modem to come up and register automatically on boot. Somehow this trashed my X-windows setup so that it would not even start. Spent two hours hand rewriting my XF86Config file to get X to work again—then enlightenment would not start…. more headaches! Spent some time getting that to work, and now the DSL still does not come up on boot! I don’t know what else to do. I added the entry to the init and rc.d using chkconfig. Everything looks good during boot but then sometimes I can ping Verizon and no one else and sometimes I can’t ping anyone—but I can never ping everyone. And to add to this headache, I seam to have hosed up my gaim settings so that none of the plugins work which means I cannot connect to MSN with gaim—and that’s the network C███████ is on! Ahhh! The long and short of all this is that I spent five hours jerking off my laptop last night and nothing has changed. I love Linux!