
apt search update

I spent a couple of days looking for apartments online, in the newspapers etc. Most places around Dupont where too expensive or already gone but I found a few places that looked good on paper and I set up an appointment to go see one of them at 10am yesterday. (The realtor said it was open from 10 to 11 anyway.) So I got up at 5:30 to drive to DC. I left home at 6:00 and made it to Gainesville by 8:00. At this point I hear on the radio that there is congestion on 66 west of Vienna because of an overturned car. No shit, I’m sitting in the congestion all the way back at Gainesville. It took over an hour to get to the Vienna metro station.

I got on a train at 9:15—now you know it takes forever to get to Dupont from Vienna by Metro, especially in rush hour traffic. So I got to Dupont at 10:00 (which amazes me!) and get out of the station into a downpour. No problem, I have my newly re-waterproofed Nautica jacket. So I quickly pass the guy selling umbrellas thinking back to being in Venice when I bought one from a street vender and still got completely soaked by the rain! Anyway, the apartment was about a 10 minute walk from the Metro station. I figure no problem the guy said he was showing the apartment between 10 and 11, if I am a few minutes late he would still be there anyway. At this point I notice that the rain has stopped beading up on my coat and is now soaking into it—Shit. By the time I get to the address of the apartment I am starting to feel the inside of the coat get wet.

And there is no one there. I wait. And there is no one there. I gave up after waiting 45 minutes. Now quite wet and cold I head off to some of the other places I had to look at. Over the course of the day I looked at 20 or so places. Some were too expensive, a lot where shitty, and a few where no longer available. I did find one place about 5 blocks from Dupont Circle that is the right price and location—the apartment is nice, though a little strange shaped. It was not until 6:00pm that I got to see it which means that the realty office was closed so I could not just go turn in the paper work yesterday. Now I need to take the paper work back to them tomorrow because they won’t process it without the application fee so there is no point in faxing it to them!

If I don’t get this place I may have to swallow my desire to live in Dupont and get some place in Reston or Vienna for a year or six months. I would really like to be in Dupont, but I need a place now since I start work in a week. What’s the moral of all this? I should have bought the stupid umbrella!


housing search

Ok, got a job. I start the 28th of this month, which leads me to I NEED A PLACE TO LIVE! I don’t think commuting from C’ville to DC is a viable option, it takes, at least, two hours both ways. Now the problem is finding a nice place takes time. I don’t have time. Everywhere I have called so far was full, or only had two or three bedroom units. Anyone know where there is a nice one bedroom for rent in DuPont or Adams Morgan?


reviews section

I made some changes to the site. I have upgraded the “books” section to the “reviews” section. I entered some of the old books into the new interface which is based on Movable Type so that you can all comment on my reviews. I will add the rest of the old books as soon as possible and *hopefully* add many more books—and cd’s and movies. Enjoy!


The Brothers Karamazov

Fyodor Doestoevsky
Richard Pevear
Larissa Volokhonsk

The Brothers Karamozov

I have heard a lot of people refer to Brothers K as author:Dostoevsky’s crowning work, and it is a great book, but I liked Crime and Punishment more.

The Brothers Karamazov is a massive book filled with Dostoevsky amazing insight into human nature. Dostoevsky uses the novel to attack everything from Utilitarianism to Christianity and all things “Russian” or at least all things “Russian” he takes issue with. Ivan, Dmitri and Alyosha are some of the most complex characters I’ve ever encountered. The three of them form a kind of id, ego and super ego of Dostoevsky’s Russian any man.

The Brothers Karamazov is a must read in Dostoevsky’s canon, and one of the best books ever written. It helps cement Dostoevsky’s place as one of the best novelist of all time. However the sheer expansiveness of the Brothers K works against it for me and I think Crime and Punishment [] is a better, perhaps the best, novel.


Crime and Punishment

Fyodor Doestoevsky
Richard Pevear
Larissa Volokhonsk

Crime and Sartre’s Age of Reason are my favorite novels. The writing is absolutely amazing, even in translation it flows effortlessly along carrying the reader slowly at first then quicker, eventually building to a fever pitch. Dostoevsky weaves a timeless tale of guilt in Crime and Punishment because he focuses not on the crime but on the criminal’s state of mind. Raskolnikov may be an anti-hero, but the reader is drawn to him and feels his suffering. Dostoevsky’s insight into the mind of Raskolnikov keeps the reader turning the page, wanting to know what he will do and think next. Crime is an amazing insight into the strange in irrational behavior of man.
