
cool website…

Here is a website sent to me by Mena that is a news company translating an Afghan newspaper so that we can see what the people in Afghan get to read, at least the ones still there!


In other news: I went to get on the lift today and when the door opened there was a man sitting in a shopping card! Lift’s here are rather small and he took up the whole thing! Now the strangest thing about this story is that the shopping cart was from safeway, and the closest safeway to here is like two miles… explain that!


sex in the city…. that fuckin show!

I was sitting in a pub tonight, drinking a Bass and just kind of looking around when I happened to overhear a conversation that made me want to just die!

(Now remember, read it with a really bad London accent, a la Eliza in My Fair Lady)

“I hate that bitch!”


“Sarah Jessica? Whatever her name is!”

“Sarah Jessica Parker?”

“Yes! I hate that bitch!”


“Because of that fucking show; Sex in the City! Because that fuckin? show caused my wife to argue with me! I hate that fuckin’ show!”

“Sex in the City? It?s a good show.”

“I hate the fuckin’ thing because one night my wife asks; ‘Why can’t our relationship be like the one on that show?? And I says ‘Cause it?s a show, it’s a fuckin’ show on the telly!”

I guess you had to be there but the sound of that guy yelling to the people he was with saying fucking so much, and it sounded like ‘Foocken’ with the slurred ‘u’ and the hard ‘k’ kind of like German. It was hilarious!


blisters & bloody noses

C██████ and I went to Paris this weekend. We had an absolutely amazing time romantic and relaxing. Then we went out separate ways, she went to Germany, and I came back to England. We won’t get to see each other again till Christmas, unless I get a job and some time off school.

Anyway, we where up to out old tricks in Paris again, we got drunk with some friends Friday night, and then went out walking till after 6am! By the time we got back to our hotel we were both suffering from blisters! And on top of that I forgot my knee brace so my bum knee is painful.

Now normally I would not complain about blisters or my knee, they are both to be expected… but what happened at the train station when I was about to leave Paris added to my physical misery… As I was walking down from the Eurostar lobby to the platform, the man in front of me decided he was going the wrong way. So he turned around and tried to walk through me! Driving his forehead into my nose at high velocity… His forehead won (seeing how he is a numbskull this makes complete sense in retrospect!). He very nearly broke my nose, in fact I thought it was broken, because I could not feel it and it was pouring blood out like a water tap! I went through a half role of paper towels before the blood clotted enough so I was not dripping like a racehorse as I walked. And it is still weeping 5 hours latter back in England. I don’t think my nose is broke, or at least it’s not crooked. So right now my nose hurts; my knee hurts; by feet hurts and I have to be up in 8 hours for my first day of school in a foreign country… Life is such an adventure…!

Despite all this Paris was wonderful, I love that city and I think that I will have to live there someday! It was also great to see C██████ one last time, in Europe, before school starts. Right now she is in a sleeper car, on a train bound for Frankfurt. I hope she is sharing her compartment with some cool girl and not a fat ugly hag. I would not want her to have horrible nightmares for the rest of her life!

…well I’m off to lick my wounds and get some rest for school, you all have fun!…


first “what the fuck!” expirience of the year.

ok, so I have finally gotten settled in here at City… Dorms suck but whats new…?

Anyway, as the title of this post says, I had my first “what the fuck!” experience today. I was on my way out of the building to run some errands. I got into the elevator and pressed the button for the lobby (I am on the sixth floor), and down I went. The elevator stopped at another floor on the way down and the doors opened. A girl lugging a rather large, and rather empty by the sound of it suitcase clambered in.

“Hello, you a freshman too?” she asked.
“No, exchange student actually, in my last year.” I answered.
“Oh. What university you from?”
“George Mason, but the program is through Syra…”
“Oh, right, your Brian?”
“Brendan told me about you, I was at the IMO.”

This planet is too small, I’m going to Jupiter!


on a plane…

[I wrote this while I was on my way to England]

At the moment I am thirty seven thousand feet in the air over Halifax, Nova Scotia going 630 miles an hour, one and a half hours into my six and a half hour flight to England. I have not had a chance to post in my journal in a few days, because I was very busy packing, unpacking and repacking my luggage. It amazing how much room a year?s supply of life takes up. I look at what I am taking and I don’t think I have too much, then I try to pack it and I find myself jumping up and down atop both of my suite cases.

Anyway, I wanted to post my thoughts on President Bush’s speech to the country Thursday night. My main thought on the speech was that the speech was too inflammatory and accusative. President Bush spent a significant portion of the speech vilifying the Taliban. Describing the religious laws imposed by a theocracy as oppressive and unjust does not seem to me to be the best way to encourage a diplomatic solution to the current situation. The Taliban have not bowed to the US demands to turn over Osama bin Laden, and by all appearances will not. I agree with the President saying that if they are not with us they are with the terrorist and therefore against us, but I do not think he should have go so far as to vilify them. This vilification of the Taliban seams to suggest that we are out to end their way of life; something that the President stated was not the case.

The one point of the speech that really angered me was the demand that the aid workers be set free. I see no connection between the terrorist acts and the aid workers. These eight people went to Afghanistan voluntarily and then broke the law. While we may not agree that apostatizing is an offense, the Taliban are a religious theocracy, and under their laws it is an offense, one that is punishable by death. The aid workers broke the law and should be held accountable. I do not believe they should be put to death but I am part of a different culture, and the Taliban control these peoples fate. There is legal precedence for the Taliban conviction and punishing these people. Anytime one travels to a foreign country one is subject to the laws of that country, and ignorance or a different way of life is no deference. Many of us remember the case of Michael Fay (sp?) Who was convicted of vandalism in Singapore. His punishment under the Singaporean laws was caning, and thought we in the US would define this as cruel and unusual we have no say in the matter because Fay broke the law and was convicted, there for subject to punishment. In the end he was caned and sent back to the US with a sore ass. I see no difference here, the Taliban have every right to punish people under their rule who break the law. The aid workers pleaded guilty to apostatizing and can only await their punishment.

It seems to me that now there is no chance that these eight people will ever be heard from again. By telling the Taliban to give them up, we are saying to the Taliban that they are not sovereign, (they did come to power in a coup, but since they control 95% of the country they have the power in Afghanistan. And remember the American government came to power in a coup. Who are we to say, that they are illegitimate?) We have guaranteed a sentence of death for the aid workers. I wonder if this was not calculated on the part of the government, if people who we, as Americans, see as innocent are put to death by a foreign government, many of who’s practices we do not agree with and who harbors the terrorist who committed the acts of September 11, 2001, the people of the US will, for the most part feel justified in declaring war on the people of Afghanistan, not just terrorism, because now we have made them one and the same.